There are several things I'm trying to understand about the system of providing coins and heat in return for minerals deposited:
- I once got a 15% bonus for being a "majority stakeholder" in a gate, but I'm pretty sure that I didn't deposit 15% of the minerals. Majority of what?
- All things equal, are big deposits better than small? Is there any difference between depositing minerals all at once vs as I receive them?
- The rewards I receive from a given gate decline each day, even on days when no new gates opening to compete with "mine". (if I invested in multiple gates, the rewards decline for all) Likewise, the dropoff happens on weekdays vs weekends. Do factors besides "number of people playing the gate" affect daily rewards? (Note that for an already open gate, the number of minerals I deposited is of course the same)
- Dusk drops cost 200 coins each to make. How do they factor into the reward system? What incentive do we have to force minerals to make a lower level? (besides being able to control what minerals the lowest levels are made of) Limited and unknown control over gate creation seems like a weak reason to spend thousands of crowns on dusk drops. I still do it, but I'm not sure why.
Majority: I'm pretty sure this means you put in more minerals than anyone else in that gate.
Dusk drops: Not sure that they factor into the reward system.
They're for people that want to have control over the levels near the core. (first approximation)