After logging in to SK after the most recent update, I found that I was unable to send attachments through the mail system. Is anyone else having issues with this?
Unable to send mail
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 15:49
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 22:15
Yes and no
Are you getting the message "An unexpected error occurred on the server"? I've found that it doesn't pop an error with all attachments, but apparently with large stacks of items.
1 Green Shard: OK
2 Green Shards: OK
10 Green Shards (selected with Shift+Click): OK
50 Green Shards (selected individually): Error!
100 Green Shards (selected with Shift+Click): Error!
Filling up all slots with single items: OK
Then I decided to stop experimenting before wasting too many crowns. :v
Sat, 10/20/2012 - 09:50
Reported already
It only works if you send fewer than 15 items. I've reported it, and they're working on it.
I gotta ask, do you have 125cr?