I was running through the Jelly Farm today and, like the previous times I've been through, I noticed a blocked off area near the end, next to the large room that summons Lumbers and Jelly Cubes when you walk through the plant rows. I'm always stumped when I see this room, because I can see stuff, I want said stuff, but there's no apparent way to GET said stuff. I lobbed two stacks of Vials through the gap between the high wall and the monster gate, and only succeeded in revealing a button. The only time you get remotely close to that room is after the aforementioned large room, after stepping on the Party Button, and even then, you're kept out by an Insurmountable Waist-High Fence.
Is it possible to get to those rooms, or am I just wasting my time?
its always been block.... forever. its wasting your time. i asked a dev some time ago, who said there were giant green jellies there..... yet to see that implemented.