This person told me to sell all my armour and used me to get all the money.
There name was Ninja-Volt.
Someone Took all my stuff
well, he is the fool, but ninja-volt isn't playing fair either, right?
what * stuff did you have?
He was a pro! Why would he take my stuff?
I had Cobalt Armour, A Calibur, a Heavy Hatchet, a Defender, and 3 Green Shards.
The world will now end
And how did he take em if they were bound
Eh, you didn't lose much of anything. Make a new character and you can get back most, if not all of that over a day. I hope you learned to be a bit more careful next time.
Please read the OP.
uh... so this ninjavolt made how much money? 100 cr? 200 cr?
Hey, at least you have your proto sword. Just keep doing some missions and buy new stuff, you didn't lose very much
Replay the mission in a new knight. You only lost your rewards. It's really not anything. Just some reward for free
I too am a pro knight... did you know that cutting yourself and salting the wound will help you progress in the game?
He was in a way trying to get you better gear. Because your old gear sucked.
And btw I happen to know him.
i know ninja-volt too, he would never do something like that...
besides your gear did suck...
if u really want i can give u other 2* stuff...
First of all, if someone offers you something but first you need to give them stuff, that is suspicious, and you are silly for accepting.
Secondly, it's bad form to "call someone out" on the forum, as that results in "defending them" posts like above.
Lastly, not everyone is as old to the game as you guys. 2* is the best some of us can afford at this time.
Props to teddy, voice of reason!
No need to salt other people's wounds either. xD
People you haven't built trust yet with in an online game are still strangers. You can't trust just any one random guy with your junk, no matter what rank they are.
Also Purple, once you play longer in the game, you'll find 2* gear is easy enough to get back if you craft 'em. Hunt for recipes down T1 arcade maybe (or try your luck with Vatel in the bazaar), if you're a bit impatient to wait for bids to come through in the Auction House. Any other 2* shield is as decent (or better than) a defender anyway.
Personally speaking, I skipped using any of my cobalt set stuff. xP 'Too "standard issue" for my tastes.
1). Unless you didn't use your cobalt armor, you wouldn't have been able to sell them.
2). You can make an new character and do missions again until you get the cobalt set or ,if you don't want to deleter your knight, you can just craft them again which also won't take long.
3). Get over it. It's mostly your fault as you shouldn't have listened.
4). Did you listen to him/her carefully. He/she might have said ''sell 'this' armor and get 'this' armor because it's better''
"Unless you didn't use your cobalt armor, you wouldn't have been able to sell them."
1) Even if you don't equip the cobalt armour that the game gives you for free, it's still bound.
2) Bound equipment can still be sold--to the NPC vendors.
1) Please be careful if someone tells you to do something suspicious, since scams are regrettably common.
2) Please don't post names explicitly on forums.
3) If you submit a ticket, the GMs may be able to help you out, but given the circumstances you seem to be describing, this is pretty unlikely in your case since you appear to have given him the cr of your own free will and the items were not of exceptional value. I might be wrong, though.
That certain Knight would be me..... But ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN.
The person whom have stole your stuff was my little sister... =.= This isn't the first time she has done this. She even sold her "body" for crowns =.= I apologize for such... and am changing my password. Thank you for bringing this attention to me Hyeu. And again, I apologize.
Sure, but it's still your fault because you created the account and let her gain access.
I'm also LOL'ing at your excuse because YOU were the one that did it. Your just trying to hide yourself.
But still volt how in the world did your sister know?
And, although Ninja-Volty's apology is nice, why doesn't he or she just return the money? That would be the best apology.
But purple-scar did listen and he didnt have to do what he said
Post a pic of your sister or its fake.
Nothing is relevant here anymore.
Let the thread die.
Thanks. :v
Will you jump from a cliff just because i tell you to?
The way you explain it, that guy didnt do anything wrong, you're the fool.