Title. I myself just started Dark Harvest Festival, so sadly I've only opened to lockboxes. Of which came:
Hallow Bolted Vee
Hallow Bomb Bandolier
And what have you done with your rewards?
Title. I myself just started Dark Harvest Festival, so sadly I've only opened to lockboxes. Of which came:
Hallow Bolted Vee
Hallow Bomb Bandolier
And what have you done with your rewards?
Thousands of sweeties and preparation for a mass box-opening full of goodies in the future :D
Every costume, along with a bunch of repeats.
Six auras, two parrying blades, some wings, and some other stuff. Those are just the highlights. I've gotten everything at least once.
Flak Jacket
Jack o' Bombhead (x2)
Hallow Round Helm
Hallow Hood (x2)
Hallow Cloak
Hallow Plate Helm
Hallow Wings
Pumpkin Bomb Bandolier
Though, sold most of them...
And I need to get the masks first, THEN the boxes.
Further update: http://steamcommunity.com/id/noswaster/inventory/#99900
Search "Hallow", "Jack", "Pumpkin", and "Haunted" to see what I've gotten. If you want to see how much confetti I have, then be my guest. I have WAY too much free time.
Plate Helm
Fur Cap
Tailed Helm
Flak Jacket
Bolted Vee
Hallow Bomb bando
Pumkin bando (plus the one I got from last year)
I want a Fur Coat, round glasses, hood, and haunted aura! Maybe a helm-mounted display and com unit too....
So far i've opened 3 boxes (pretty sad I know)
Box 1: Haunted Aura (YESSSSSS!!!)
Box 2: Hallow Plate Mail
Box 3: Hallow Crest
To make it more exciting for myself, I saved up boxes until one of my friends got back from vacation, or it hit halloween, whichever came first.
Friend got back first, so I'm saving boxes again for halloween, but here's the loot from the first bout of unboxing (18 boxes):
Hallow Bolted Vee
Hallow Helm-Mounted Display
Hallow Maid Headband
Hallow Wings
Hallow Glasses
Hallow Cloak
Hallow Draped Armor
Hallow Fur Cap
Hallow Pith Helm
x2 Hallow Brigandine
x2 Hallow Hood
x2 Hallow Plate Mail
x2 Trinket Slot Upgrade
x3 Haunted Aura (I was incredibly surprised, the first 2 were even unboxed in a row)
To simplify the list, I've gotten about at least 3 of every item, and 3 Haunted Aura, Wings, Dapper Combo, Jack-O-Bombhead mask, trinket slot, and weapon upgrade. The only things I haven't gotten from boxes are scarfs and blades..............
Before I got 3 haunted auras I bought one by trading 2/3 of my hallow items. Then I found 3 more from boxes o.O
and i gave one of them to you, after all sharing is caring
Just two boxes so far, which netted me Hallow Wings and Hallow Mecha Wings. I don't plan on using accessories until/unless we get a way to non-destructively remove them, and since the regular Wings seem to be going for a decent amount on the AH, I'm toying with the idea of selling them. Though I guess it'd be better to wait until after Halloween, since the price would presumably go up then.
I'm just glad I got all three masks last year, since now I can take it easy and not have to worry about grinding the heck out of the Punkin King lairs. :D
I feel so nubby because I haven't gotten a Haunted aura, (not even something remotely valuable) I'm not sure if its because of those elevator pass grinders or I lack the luck needed. I always have bad luck, the only times I can win raffles is when I have an OP amount of tickets (In RL).
*Le sigh*
Here is what i got:
hallow coat (sold it)
2x hallow vertical vents. (sold one and traded one for a hallow cloack.)
I also bought a hallow hood.
Box drops:
-Hallow cloak
-Hallow side blade
-Haunted aura
-Confetti x12
After much trading, I ended up with:
-Hallow raiment
-Hallow hood x2
-Hallow parrying blade x2
-Jack O'Bombhead x2
-Hallow flak jacket
-Hallow side blade
-Hallow fur cap
-Hallow fur coat
-Hallow scale helm
-Hallow scale mail
-Confetti x12
-Spookat mask
-Phantom mask
That's all I remember, but I know there's more!
Happy Hunting! :D
Plate Helm x2
Fur Cap x2
Culet x1
Vertical Vents x1
Hood x3
Helm-Mounted Display x1
Crescent Helm x1
Cloak x2
Round Helm x1
I've sold, bought and traded things, and I've come up with this:
Hallow Hood
-Hallow Round Shades
-Hallow Vertical Vents
Hallow Flak Jacket
-Hallow Bomb Bandolier
Vog Cub Coat
-Hallow Parrying Blade