Hey everyone! Lets try to get the most people in one screen cap of SK at once! Lets see if we can break the server xD lol no, rather lets get everyone in haven 4 on November 13th at 1 pm EST for a huge SK picture! Someone who is good at time zones can post what time it will be for each time zon. But let's do it!
Massive SK pic! Nov 13!
It's always hard hosting an event that that goes through different timezones...
I agree with Malsvirbranea, but its because I have classes in my timezone...
but then again someone else will say "I'm eating dinner during that time, plz make earlier"
Sine you are the first to comment, we can move it to 2 pm EST, but it is unrealistic to accommodate everyone. No further changes xD. Plan around it.
Good. I can plan for 10 AM my time. My class on Tuesday is at 4 PM anyway. :P
Just get a GM to show up and the rest will happen on its own.
Don't break the server on that day please, k thanks.
Most people are in school ( including myself) around that time ( talking about highschool of course). is there a holiday around that time or something?
If people will come and the server works then we will try a Saturday picture.
Pacific time (PST/PDT) is -3 EST/EDT.
Doesn't one haven only hold 50 people or so?
Nope xD there was a wedding it was huge probably more than 50.
Oh so its on Saturday I can definitely make it then.
on Nov 10 or 13 when ever your on,
wouldnt it be easier to just go to Haven 1,2,3, and 5 and ask ppl to get in Haven 4?
i'm planning to watch a season premire of a certain popular show on nov. 10-14
Do it in the Arcade. Revive the Arcade!!!
If you could, try doing it a bit later. 1 PM EST is 9 AM AKST, which is the time zone I'm in. I REALLY don't like waking up at or before 9 AM, so maybe it could be moved to 2 or 3 PM EST?