WTH OOO i lag when im opening a hallow box and i dont get anything but CONFETTI???? WHAT (on Cradle)!? I demand my items i should have gotten! I OPENED 2 AND LAGGED ON BOTH AND I GOT NOTHING BUT CONFETTI! THIS IS BULL OOO!!!
...OK im a officially TICKED!
...i bet if someone reads this (stuff) they will laugh at how impulsive im being...yeah...srry i have impulsave blood in me...its in my family too...srry draycos
If December 24, 2012 is indeed the end of the world, I want you to be the first to go by a storm of horse feces.
Dude, stop getting pissed at everyone and check ur costumes and accessories
99% chance u were too mad and didn't click the arrow to check wat else u got
On that 1% cance u didn't get anything, send a support ticket instead of making draycos's life miserable
I'd like to thank you, Ninja-Kong, for actually apologizing for your impulse. Please realize that this is very rare, and that you landed on what I like to call "dead space." If you refer to the event page, http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/66484, there is a 33% chance for getting 1 in 3 categories, and 1% in getting the Haunted Aura. Yes, if you do add up the percents, the total equates to 100%, but do realize that you can get nothing. Why you get nothing is because of the percent rate in which you do get things. IE: 33% to get 1 item in the first category, and you miss it. 33% in the next category, missed it, again, and again. So in the end, you just got bad luck. I've seen someone roll 5 blanks in a roll; Getting only confetti. Just calm down and re run some punkin runs.
Please do not swear on the forums. Remember that if a word is filtered in-game, it shouldn't be used here. Thanks!
If you open a box and do not receive anything other than confetti, please file an in-game support request including the date and time (please specify your timezone) you opened the box. A general time is okay, we don't need you to remember down to the minute! Boxes should all include something along with the confetti, and the on-duty GM will be happy to check and see what you should have gotten.
Memidgety, that's actually incorrect. You have a 100% chance of getting an item AND confetti from every box. Three Rings can confirm this, and if you don't get an item, then you only need to contact them via a support request so they can verify your items weren't delivered.
Hyperion ninja'd me. My life is complete now! ;-;
Thanks for informing me that this is not true. I shall pass this to my guild because I do know for a fact that some have gotten nothing. And thanks to the GMs and Admins that spend their time to fix the errors in the game.
...does this happen to Iron Lockboxes? Or is this just a Halloween box thing?
Given your reaction, your lack of patience, the ease of access to Hallow boxes, and the fact that instead of sending a support ticket you made a public thread so everyone can see your complaints, I don't think you should get compensation.
But maybe that's just me.