As the title says, could the Spiral Knights soundtrack be available on Steam too ?
This is a small request i do because i don't have an apple store account (i don't use i-pods anyway) and Amazon doesen't let me buy it at all (it says is not available in my region, which is southern Europe).
So if the soundtrack could be available on Steam too i and other Steam users would be finally able to get it too from there, and i may spend a few buck on it with great pleasure (i wonder if the new tracks can be added too).
Spiral Knights Sountrack on Steam ?
Tue, 10/23/2012 - 09:35
Tue, 10/23/2012 - 10:15
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!
Also keep in mind that the original songs are kept in the game it self. At one point my bro got them out and started playing them. Just remember that those songs aren't the extended versions that you get when you buy them somewhere.
why not