Does anyone else think that reusing the old masks and recoloring old armor to use as prizes is a bad idea. I don't want a bunch of crappy recolors and theres no point of recollecting old masks. I think they should have retired last years masks then replaced them with 3 new ones. I'm sure no one really wanted recolors of pre-existing masks did we.
Dark Harvest Festival (Prizes)
Tue, 10/23/2012 - 19:20

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 04:23

"I'm sure no one really
"I'm sure no one really wanted recolors of pre-existing masks did we."
Have you been blind to the orange which can be found in Haven lately? A majority of the players are actually enjoying the Dark Harvest Festival and taking advantage of the Hallow Prize Boxes and masks instead of whining about more recolours. It's free for god's sake, at least be grateful it isn't another Surge or Hunter prize box promo. Plus... orange is my favourite colour. \o/