They confuse me. T^T
Dem Crossdressing Knights

When you're so awesome that you can defeat hordes of wild beasts/demons/gremlins/what have you single-handedly, I think the Spiral Order just runs out of good reasons to forbid knights to dress whatever they want. :B
(Besides, the designs are quite intentionally androgynous, and that I like)

at least they look fabulous.
On the subject of arguably feminine, Spiral Tailed Helm is a favourite among the female players I have encountered.

/e feels weird, considering he's a guy and has both masculine and feminine costumes... especially when people ask him if he's a chick. :I

Guy with Spiral-tailed Helm and Seraphic Mail here. When engaging in a prolonged discussion with someone I don't know, I usually try to work the fact that I'm a guy into the conversation as early as possible so it doesn't come up later after they've friended me....
Trust me, it's just as awkward for us to be on the receiving end of someone's misguided affections as it is for the guy putting the moves on us once he finds out. To avoid confusion and awkwardness, and as a rule of thumb for any game, just assume everyone is male and don't hit on people in general.

I never get hit on because I'm incredibly bara-bait and everyone else is Christian.

I put plumes on one of my Knights.
X( Sometimes I want to feel pretty X(

Yes! Blind-Frog agrees!
*Sigh* event though I'm a girl, I don't like wearing girly gear.
Spiral scale helm fer life! >:o

Yeah, the "Duke" bit does make it a bit easier to get away with wearing lots of Tailed Helms, heh.
Nothing inherently wrong with their real world counterparts, but the SK Scale Mail has a rather distinctive feminine breastplate. The word "raiment" itself is just incredibly vague.

I actually really hate the way that the tailed helms look compared to other armors... but if someone likes it, then they should go for it. It isn't "crossdressing" as it never once states that you had to, were supposed to, or otherwise correlate your armor to your appearance in that other place that I dream about when I access my communicator and press "log out" to sleep.
If you're going around trying to pretend to be something that you're not, then its quite obvious that you're trying to get something, even if it isn't tangible...

Is it really crossdressing when our knights are essentially genderless?

I don't see it.
The only arguably feminine items are Draped, Scale, and maybe Raiment armors.