i want to know, is using blitz and guns the only way to beat vana or is there a bomb or sword that can do the job?

As Little-Juances implied, using swords against Vanaduke is not uncommon among experienced players looking for a new challenge. I've never played in a bomb-only party against Vanaduke, but I suspect that those have been tried as well. When people solo Vanaduke, they often use guns that are more mobile than Blitz, such as Argent, Nova, Storm, Callahan, etc.
Does anyone know when the Blitz (plus Shivermist) strategy became popular?

what is dvs? are u sure that mist bombs can kill vana? i cant do kamikaze, only 10 mist to rev and im not a paying player.
can u show me the link on youtube thta somene killed vana without blitz or shiver.
@Bopp: those guns u mention only have 2 clips that barely take much out compared to blitz are u sure. i tried with my valiance, but i felt it was being reflected by his fire aura.

I believe that with well placed DBB and Nitros Vana won't be much of a threat, the real problem for a bomber would be its mask.
As for Swordy, a Glacius' charge attack spam could take him out easily I think.

Bombing and swording him is entirely possible, but typically takes a longer time.
Good swords for the occasion would be Dread Venom Striker, Warmaster Rocket Hammer, Glacius, or toothpick.
Bombs... Nitro, DBB, Voltaic Tempest (mist substitute). Probably more than that, but I'm not a bomber.
If you really wanted to, you could kill him with any weapon you wanted, so long as you have patience and time. Those I listed just get him down fastest.
...For some inexplicable reason I now feel like I should solo him with a Winmillion...

DVS means Dread Venom Striker. If you search YouTube for "Vanaduke alchemer only" or "Vanaduke sword only" you will find videos. I have soloed Vanaduke with Blitz, Argent, Nova, Callahan, Polaris, Hail, and Valiance. They're all doable, although they take a while. Watering his fire orbs does help I think.

since the first appearance of Vanaduke, did the GMs, devs, mods say how to defeat him or was it a few players who figured out the blitz/shiver trick?
cuz if it was a group of legendary players, they created the best trend of SK.
I would like to meet these guys unless it was the GMs who gave out the info.
so who figured out the blitz.shiver tactic?

Someone may claim they did it first, but..... It's kinda obvious. Use the strongest ranged weapon and dont let him move.

T'was players who figured out Shiverblitz; was just common sense and deductive reasoning over time, really. All it takes is to be aware that a Vana that can move is far more dangerous than one frozen, so shiver will be an obvious solution, then just finding the highest dps possible. AP was used more widely back then until it started becoming apparent how daftly OP the blitz charge was, so that began to replace the AP.

My first run was a premature one (I was only in Wolver set) with swordies as allies only. We still managed to beat him fairly easily, so I'm not sure if going all swords is exactly that difficult. (Only wasted 60 me).

i never thought that was possible. besides natrayi nice gear (i mean the helm which can only be made in shadow lairs) and using that expansion weapon, his pretty good. okay watching that vid has brought up my spirits to solo him with my avenger and silver six. Lets do This! lol :P

...I could try to do Vanaduke Solo (doubt I'd get past D27's final battle, oh the humanity) once I get my bombing gear to 5*.
No, Blandaxt, Shiver+Blitz is not the only way to kill vanaduke. There are many ways. The one that's somewhat fast enough (if you're dodgy) is to use Mad Bomber with both elite bomb trinkets (Boom and Bomb Focus) to get Bomb CTR and Damage Bonus Maximum. Combine with Dark Briar Barrage. As for the mask, there are two swords that have extremely powerful charge attacks. Said charges can easily cause massive damage to the mask once you water it. However, getting a good CTR UV is very difficult which means you *might* want to use two Elite Sword Focus modules.
Hilarity ensues. You get a good laugh out of killing Vanaduke and circling him with nuclear snarbolax bombs.
Royal Jelly can be killed so fast it's not funny. Mad Bomber+Both Elite Bomb Trinkets+Dark Retribution/Deadly Dark Matter Bomb/Shocking Salt Bomb.

With Mad Bomber you only need a damage trinky to get max:max, since you shold have +10 bombs to max off the CTR for you, leaving a spare trinky slot for hearts, resistance, sidearm weapon damage/asi etc

im only a 4 star, any suggestion that could help me beat him while i am still a 4 star player. i died with one hit of vans mace when i was wearing miracle cloak, miracle helm, and horned owlite shield. my shield can withstand one hit of his mace and his flame snakes.

Blandaxt, it's a bit much, for you to expect to beat the final boss without final equipment. I mean, Stratum 6 calls for 5-star items. Switching to another set of 4-star stuff is not going to help you.
There are people who beat Vanaduke wearing 0-star armor, just for fun. (Usually they use 5-star weapons, I think.) So it is possible. But it requires an intimate knowledge of his AI, how the slag guards spawn, how to water, etc. So keep working on your skill and knowledge, while you save up to upgrade your gear to 5 stars.
To advise you more specifically on Vanaduke tactics, we'd need more information: solo or group, which weapons you have, which weapons your party has, which parts give you the most trouble, etc.

0 star armor? Get one shoted :D
The first time I faced Vanduke, I had 3* armor. It was messy. My swiftstrike buckler did nothing for me. Even the spikes on the ground did 5 bars of health :D
So I guess the solution is just to get better armor

miracle cloak, miracle hood, horned owlite shield, avenger and strike needle. i wan to try with these solo plus one 5 str soaking wet and one 4 star health booster. bith are trinkets. i can get to vana lair with these, but beating vana seems dificult cause one mistake when he hits me with his mace when i dont shield and im dead.

Divine Avenger and Blitz Needle are good choices. What are you going to make your armor/helmet into?
* Divine: Don't get the Mantle, because the Veil is better, and you'd never want both, because they have no normal protection.
* Grey Feather: Strong defense like Divine, but with normal, but with no fiend bonus.
* Chaos: Weak defense, but strong offense for hybrid players such as yourself.
Vanaduke and his slag guards do tons of normal damage. So your safest best is Grey Feather. You could also switch alchemy lines altogether. Keep in mind that most of the cost of making a 5-star item comes in the final upgrade from 4-star to 5-star. It's that expensive. So don't do it unless you really want that 5-star item. It's never too late to switch alchemy paths.

I've done some runs with Tsubasa-No-Me, and she's able to hit Vana from outside the fireballs using the Tsudaruska's charge attack.
There really aren't a lot of weapons you CAN'T kill Vana with, but using shadow-damage ones aren't going to be very much in your favour. That said, maybe I should try DR sometime.

I advise you against using shadow weapons. Vanaduke is totally immune to shadow damage in the last phase.

so u guys are saying as of now me as a 4 star has now way of beating vana solo?

Well, if you dont care of blowing energy on revives or get super inspired you could...... It's not 100% immpossible, just hard.

so u guys are saying as of now me as a 4 star has now way of beating vana solo?
Blandaxt, I've already explained in post #16 above that you can beat Vanaduke, if you have the knowledge and skill. To earn that knowledge and skill, you have to practice the fight many times. We can't teach you what you need to know in a forum discussion. By the time you acquire that knowledge and skill, you may have full 5-star gear as well, and things may be easier for you.
So just run FSC again and again. Even if you refuse to revive with energy at depth 28, you will still have made about 8,000 crowns in the previous four depths, which is more than enough to pay for the whole trip. It's a positive feedback loop.
All you have to do is throw water and be carefull. There's a video on youtube with DVS only and another with a cocktail of mist bombs. Other alternatives incldue kamikaze revive blast spam. Try it on test server.