Where are you guarder? Or are you just trolling us :/

haha, sorry guys the hurricane got me xD the contest begins now! last post wins!
i don't have internet at home for now... but we can start now!
more info when i get home in college on phone(or find internet access )
my phone is almost dead XD

guys ignore that ^ post it is spam. continue not posting.

Guys I'm updating the rules! Please read them ^^

@Hexlash Take another look
The contest started.
Good luck guys

Spiral Knights Related. There can we get on wih the contest now?

Oh, yeah just saw that.... :D
So, Bob, was chilling out in the surprisingly non crowded Haven, it was the last day of the Dark Harvest Festival. He looked around and saw the usual decorations one last time, the Festival vendors, some knights arguing over the price of some 5* weapon recipe, some knights menacingly hurtling crowns at a poor Stranger at the Auction House, and a Knight with a sneaky look, hiding in a punkin (at least that's what i thought they were called in-game). Suddenly, a shiver of fear blasted up his spine (at least i think knights have spines...) the chills, struck him hard and his breath (at least i think knights breath...) caught in his mouth (at least i think knights have mouths...) he frantically glanced everywhere, but couldn't detect the source, maybe it was just the jitters of the decorations or atmosphere, he thought to himself, as he ran off. The feeling gone, he relaxed a bit, but then he could feel his muscles tensing again, what was going on!? The process repeated, him looking around to no avail, then dashing off, only to have the horrible sensation grip him again. He finally ran up the stairs and flailed past the Knights constructing the Garrison, giving him strange glances as he flew by, before returning to work. He huddled in the corner next to the alchemizing machine, who's soft hum and slight heat and calming blue glow settled him down. Bob managed to relieve a bit, whatever it was it seemed to be gone. But then, Bob could feel it, coming from the pit of his stomach, lurching up his throat, his breath stopped, the thing was walking, or however it moved, up the stairs, badum, badum, Bob's heart raced (at least if knights have any sort of human anatomy...) badum, badum, he winced preparing to meet his very doom in the one place that safety was proclaimed on this planet. Badum, badum, Bob couldn't stand it anymore, and just wanted to fade away, then... Bob gasped, an object appeared, followed immediately by its body... it was... A GOURDLING! Bob couldn't believe that he never looked down, the gourdling waddled around, before aiming its attention at Bob, its alikeness to the punking, truly scaring Bob. Bob, managed to lose his fear, knowing it was just a gourdling, but it continued towards him, its face almost mocking him, a static smiling face. Bob began to feel his fear again, it was coming closer, and closer, its little root like arms almost gripping him, opening and closing... Bob's mind raced as he realized he was trapped. Bob started to get dizzy and light, this was it... Closer it came towards Bob... Bob, just wished it over, and as the gourdling reached him... You have disconnected from the server. Please reboot Spiral Knights. ... Patching... Bob opened his eyes, in the bright daylight of Haven , a snipe curiously peering at him before flying away.

Once upon a time there was a snipe named Harry. He liked the steal Knights' Shinies. Then one day he was caught and brought to justice, Meanwhile, a new restuarant, "Haven Fried Snipes," had just opened.
Harry was never seen again.

29:00 (24hr + 6hrs)
So, 6 hours 17 mins, 2 pages, and 67 posts. That was quick.
game over ︵ /(.□. \)

dang I was awake then but doing homework. I COULD HAVE WON!

also snipes could be in real life and someone could have made that restaurant in real, life.

Lol smh C'mon guys how can I make a last post win contest if only 4 people commit to this....
But fine Lordofnecromancers wins I guess
please post your IGN

Guarder, the problem is you made it in Treasure Vault. You got a higher turnout when:
1. People didnt have to sign up and could join the game whenever they wanted.
2. It was in Gremlin Chatter.

So basically what your supposed to do is to be the last one on at night to win?! And my giant pointless story that I spent 30 minutes writing was completely ignored!? T_T I demand some kind of runner up thing, i was 'technically' the first to win, even though it hadn't started yet. And if you think about it, you should have made a certain amount of time at night, not count towards the hour count, cause obviously, no ones gonna wake up at 5 am to post in the thread... not critizing, just suggesting, but maybe i am, or just jelly, lol xD

Looks like I will >:D. I will be wide awake
EDIT: Aww cmon, LoN/Nechrome is just greedy. He wins everything

._. I only posted that winning post because I had nothing else to do... Talk about luck ._.
IGN: Lordofnecromancers

@Artistbma actually i did alot of things to get more people come join such as
1) Purposely putting "[ce price]" in the thread name so people come and post
2) made a thread in treasure vault then moving it to gremlin chatter while leaving a shadow copy
You are too cruel, what if this is just a joke? if so then ha.ha.haaaaJK! what now i have perplexuated your size handicapped cranium! MUAHAHAHAHHAH jk lol
then does i+i=i or ii?
EDIT: LOL I was like, where'd all the other posts go???? but then BAM im on the second page, SUCKAS! jk, i metaphorically love you all!