What can and can't you use alts for?
Proper use of alts

You can use alts to:
make bidding wars go higher.
Get tabbed
Share crowns, and crystals and minerals
Use as a heat sink
Just use Alt to have fun
What you cant do, i think:
report on your alt cuz then thy know something fishy is going on
simultaneously control both of them at the same time.

What is "Tabbed"? I've heard this before.
Also what *exactly* is an alt?
Lets say my account name is 1teddy (it's not)
On the 1teddy account I have "Thenewteddy" (this knight) and "Bombermanteddy" (another I've mentioned)
But to simplify, lets say 1teddy has 3 knights. 1teddyA, 1teddyB, and 1teddyC
Lets say I create a 2teddy account, with a
2teddyA, 2teddyB, and 2teddyC
Would 1teddyA and 1teddyB be able to interact any differently than 1teddyA and 2teddyB (in terms of the rules)?

The knights interact differently in terms of energy. There are two key rules:
* All three knights on a single account share the same mist energy stream.
* You can have only one free mist energy stream per computer. ("Free" means that you have never spent real money on the account.) So, if you have multiple free accounts, then they all share the same mist energy stream.
Also, you can launch multiple instances of the game simultaneously, to have multiple knights logged in at once, but you may not be able to simultaneously log in two knights from the same account. (I haven't been able to.)
Otherwise, all knights are independent of each other, for crystal energy, crowns, recipes, etc. You can mail these things back and forth among your knights. You can have two knights from different accounts logged in simultaneously, trading with each other or playing with each other. People often drag an alternate knight through FSC, to double their earnings. Both knights pay elevator fees, of course.

Just because some one is F2P does not mean they cant have an alt to advance forward.
Your literally "sharing" mist.

By "tabbed", you use 2teddy to pay the elvators for 1teddy. 2teddy spends all his energy fast, but 1teddy essentially goes for free.
Good if you wat to save 1teddy mist to craft for example. But GMs may hate you. It's a gray area.
You can, but shouldnt.

No, Juances. You can and are allowed to. The GMs and Developers on multiple occasions have said that multiboxing is completely fine and abides by the terms of service. It is only when you use software to control them all simultaneously that you are breaking the terms.
Go ahead and report me for alt dragging to the PK to get 48 tokens per time. The GM's will just laugh and brush it off.

i remember this time when i made a party full of Alts.
I literally made 3 extra alts just to mess around. Had 4 screens going at the same time. Changed the sizes so my monitor was divided by 4 screens xD
I made each one tab each other. Every 4 levels, one alt would leave :D
there names were: Canine-Vlad, Canine-Vladmir-Il, Canine-Vladimir. and me! Canine-Vladmir.

Ah, that is tabbed. I've never seen anyone ask for tabbed but I've given it away unasked on numerous occasions.

@Malsvir/anyone who read Malsvirs comment and doesn't know otherwise:
The GMs have commented that corpse-dragging is legal and won't be punished, but it doesn't mean they just don't care and freely "brush it off". They've expressed that they feel it's against the spirit of the game and don't like it/would rather players not do it.

It's a moral thing I know. But the way GMs mention it, rules could change in any moment. Just try to keep it to yourself.

My connection wont allow corpse dragging, and my morals might not either.
infinite crowns/energy