When sending a support request and getting reply from a gm asking you something which is quite crutial in solving your case, does this happen: I wrote a comment answering the gms question and had posted it but when getting off the submitted requests page the comment wasnt there, ive posted like 4 times to make sure its actually there or is it after exiting that section you dont have access to seeing your replies. I might sound paranoid in asking, but please help, all is thanked!
I believe this thread belongs in general discussios since its just some knowledge im lacking not really a technical problem.
I think there should be a button you can click that lets you view all support requests you've ever submitted somewhere on the page... yeah
Just checked. It should be the right most of the 4 links above "Logged in as (your username)"
Here's a link to it: https://www.spiralknights.com/support/#requests
And here's the link to where you fist sent a request correct? https://www.spiralknights.com/support/#requests_new
If you're not logged in, make sure you do that there as well to ensure that you can see your requests.
Hope I helped. Was a little difficult reading through your post.