Due to the fact the game is getting lamer and I have invested too much time and money into it I would like to show what my goals and ideas are for the game. This is to keep me more interested in the game. FYI this is my alts account. I am using it due to the inconvenient way Steam works. I am not suggesting these changes I am simply expecting these things to happen in the near future. If anyone cares to donate a hat or act on any of the following ideas; Go for it. =P
Thing I want from the game:
Current Goals
1. Make a Vog set. Due to the fact I just got a Fang of Vog, and it sucks due to its slow speed, I want to make the set to see how much difference there will be. (COMPLETE)
2. In addition to making the Vog set I want to get a Volcanic Wolver Tail to make my character look beastly.
3. I am currently thinking about changing my characters color from Amber to Cyan to match the default Spiral Knight color. (COMPLETE)
I recently started a guild do to the update. I wanted to say that I am against limiting access to certain furniture or abilities currently imposed by forcing one to expand to gain access to them.
I would suggest that all furniture and expansions be available and not limited to one per expansion. I would like all furniture and decorations of one type to be available. For example all blue furniture be available a start including lights, energy wells, guild abilities and other decorations. It would be ok to limit the furniture by color scheme though. In the case or special rooms I would like to ask for all to be available at start. I do not believe it is reasonable to restrict these rooms to expansions.
The reason I would like to have the ability to move armor from one place to another is mainly because I have my Almarian set equip with some Divine Valkrie Wings. After a while of having them on I realized I may had made a mistake because I also wanted some for my Heavenly Guardian set and at the time thought they were going to be common. Now that it is almost impossible to acquire more I see a reason to ask for this ability. Of course I see many reason this would be an issue for some elitist. It is easy then to move the move accessory to a one star armor set; unbind it; sell it for lots, the buyer binds it, then moves it to whatever armor the please. Here is my response to that. That is not the point I just want to have my armor have divine wings. OOO can you please either do this for me or allow moving accessories in game.
• Fiery Bomb Head
• Sniped Stranger Hat
• Steam Knight Mask
Game play
1. Ability to move accessories from one armor to another. Through Béchamel in exchange of a fair amount of crystal energy players can move one accessory from one bound costume or armor/helm to another.
2. Basic attack for bombs. Without this ability it's is hard for many bombers to hold their ground for anything at all including arcade, missions, and coliseum. Going through areas takes twice as long or more for a bomber alone compared to swords and guns. Basic attack of three bomb drops without the ability to start another attack drop until the first three are done exploding. Recharge similar to guns is shown then new attack can be made. Similar to guns one can drop one bomb in a paced manner to keep a consecutive barrage. All basic attacks are to have unique looking explosions.
3. Removal of aim assist in Lockdown. It is unfair to have aim assist due to differences in classes.
4. Change Lockdown's Striker sprint ability to a boost. Instead of having a controlled jetpack movement I would like them to have faster strait non-maneuverable boost of speed to be used to reach a long range foe.
5. Remove attack speed reduction restriction for the plate mail series. Instead have a movement speed reduction.
6. Region Lock needs to be heavier.
7. No limited edition items, costumes or accessories. Everything should be obtainable at a point.
8. Catalyzer guns should auto target enemy similar to tier 2 gun puppy rockets. This is due to its very slow mussel velocity.
1. Prismatic Prize Box- All common proto armor sets in prismatic for. Same accessories as previous prize boxes although prismatic. Special aura would be the Twilight Aura.
2. Stained armor- a armor coating that can be temporary or permanent which changes the base appearance. This would only work on armor and helm that are not costumes. This coating would not change the function of the armor just the graphic texture. This is to be treated different from costumes for costumes include different forms. Stains are not overlays and have single uses similar to accessories. Stains do not affect the entire costume they must be added to each piece. Stains include basic retextures like tattoos, markings, or shapes on armor. These include stamps like the ones that indicate species, Shapes like hearts or stars around the armor or helm, heavy battle damage, dirt or garbage, and tribal markings like hands, lines, or patterns among the armor. The more complex forms include complete retextures which include: undead, wild, prismatic, gold, etc.
3. Snarbolox tail accessory (shadow wolver tail)
4. These mini-games are meant to replace the direct versus that exist now.
Survival- A mini-game that holds players in one area and send hordes of unlimited enemies towards them. This is to be a coliseum form of play and not to give players heat or crowns. enemy hordes get more and more difficult per wave. More rewards are earned the longer one lasts. Example: 20 defeated hordes = 10 tokens
Puzzle Race- A four player versus game that has players compete to finish a group of areas at best times. This would be small areas that are filled with gates, keys, blocks, and many other obstacles that are use to slow down players from reaching the goal. There are three check points that players must reach to continue where all players must arrive. After all player arrives to a check point the race continues. Players with the best times for all three checkpoints are awarded first place. Players who do not arrive to the check points are forced to the check point with an incomplete. After the first player arrives to a check point the rest are timed to arrive to it as well or they will be moved to the next checkpoint to continue from there. It is up to players to equip the best possible equipment to complete the puzzles the fastest. Stages are randomized but all players in the game have exact stages.
I have more ideas and things I want which I will add in time.
I suppose this is a snarbolax tail