Hey there everyone!
I would like to present to you a new way to play Lockdown! This requires 12 people doing GvG (Can be in-house or between other guilds) and it requires people to follow the rules for a variation of Lockdown I am going to explain below. Might be hard to follow the rules and just kill everyone for the heck of it, but whatever.
Raid The Guardians Creator: Zaderules
5 Base Map or 3 Base Map
12 Players that are ALL willing to listen to the Rules listed below
Weapons (You'll be fighting of course)
On each team there will be 3 "Guardians" and 3 "Seekers".
"Guardians" guard a capture point, while "Seekers" aim to destroy a Guardian and take over the capture point.
You must declare your style BEFORE the match and may NOT change between these two styles during the match.
"Guardian" Rules:
- You can be ANY class you want.
- "Guardians" must find a base ANYWHERE to capture as a group or alone. Once a base has been captured, "Guardians" may sit tight and wait for a fight or go off and capture another base, and keep capturing.
- Guardians may ONLY fight when they are on the base or in close proximity of the base. Remember, "Guardians" are supposed to Guard and Protect and CAPTURE the base. During traveling in between bases, "Guardians" CAN'T FIGHT against the opponent's "Guardians" OR "Seekers".
"Seeker" Rules:
- You can be ANY class you want.
- "Seekers" must go find "Guardians" and attack them when they are ON or NEAR the base. "Seekers" may ONLY cap the base AFTER they kill the "Guardian(s)" that were defending the base at the time.
- "Seekers" may NOT KILL guardians that are NOT on or near bases. aka When they are traveling between bases. They may, however, attack seekers at any place and time.
Rules for EVERYONE:
- NO healing from the healing pads at your own base. Me thinks Guardian is pretty handy in this situation. ;)
- You may change gear and change class after you die. Pointless to walk all the way back to the base if you're not gonna heal.... *cough*strikers*cough*
I leave the strategies up to you guys ;)
I have yet to try this out with my guild. My guild sometimes gets 12 online ready for gvg, so we play against each other.... However we get bored and doing 1v1 or infinite matches just never work.... I hope you guys check it out, report back to this thread for any problems, and maybe we can finalize a rule that makes Lockdown HOPEFULLY more fair for everyone. If this idea is just downright stupid/lame, just let it die.
CATA-BALL! Creator: Dutch-Oven
Some line of Catalyzer
Be in a Guardian Class
The game take place around the main capture point and it plays basically the same as dodgeball; the teams shoot the cata charge attacks at each other and when you get tagged with the charge shot you're out and have to go back to base until the charge wears off. A team loses the game when all their players are tagged and/or out of the playing field.
British Bulldog Creator: Dutch-Oven
One team plays as the "Bulldogs", the other team as the "Runners".
Both parties may use any weapon they want.
When all runners reach to the other side, switch roles.
"Runners" Rules:
- Need to be a Guardian Class
- Objective is to run to the enemy base wall
"Bulldogs" Rules:
- Can be ANY class
- Objective is to STOP the Runners
King of the Hill 1-Point LD Creator: Dutch-Oven
Regular lockdown gameplay EXCEPT only fight on one point. If anybody captures any other point, they lose.
This is a great idea, but I have a feeling there might be some 'confusion' as to who is what class during the game. Do you have to announce what class you are going to play at the start (Guardian or seeker I mean), because if you don't people could cheat and change their class half way through. Other than that I LOVE this idea.