~About the guild~...im sure your gonna wanna know about us!
Hey there and welcome to Divine Eclipse, a T3 LD guild, despite being a fairly new guild, doesnt mean we dont have good qualities. Sebastianseb and Narutonoob were one of the first people I came to after I had spent all night long thinking about making a guild (Errr, oops...ignore that bit, cuz i totally didn't spend all night long thinking about that, cuz im surely not that sad :O). The three of us share a special bond, and a love for a good ol' game o' LD! We are an active, skillful, mature, funny, loving and most imporantly a SEXY guild! :3333. Divine Eclipse isn't just about T3 LD, we also encourage Grinding FSC, building prestige badges and Shadow Lairs every so often. If you don't join our guild...I have a hungry snipe...he eats knights....I call him rip-jaw >:DD
~Recruitment and the application~...no need to worry ;D
To join the guild you will need to have filled in our stress free (i think) application, there is actually no test you have to pass though!! :DD
1. What are your play styles? (A sneaky recon? or a Gunslinger who likes to run circle his target? or a DMG seeker? e.t.c.)
2. Guns, bombs or swords?
3. Why do you want to join the guild?
4. What have been your previous guilds?
5. Have you got any Shadow Lair experience by any chance?
6. How much prestige have you got?
7. What do you think your average LD dmg and caps is?
8. How often do you play SK on a weekly and/or daily basis.
-Fun questions!-
9. What is you main SK aim?
10. Got any cool/funny/impressive UVs that you have rolled/got.
11. 1642? Yeah...wait what?! IT'S BURNING! Oh dont worry the cheese isn't multi coloured :o.
Choose an answer for the sentence above:
(a) Has he forgot to take his medicine?
(b) He is generally a random person?
(c) He likes apple pie?
12. What would you do if Vanaduke found out you stole his hammer and you were using it in a science experiment to create talking snipes?
~Rules~...wait there are rules? ;n;
...only a few ;D
1. Please, please, please do not beg other guild members or any players, it gives the guild a terrible image and a bad reputation. Demote
2. Do not fight or argue with other players, there is nothing we hate more than heated fights between guildies and other players (especially when it is about being a spammer or being a noob). Demote
3. Do not be rude about anybody behind their back or in front of their face (or in our case, in front of their screens XD) 1 warning and then demote.
4. Do not kick people from your party because they are a noob/newb. No punishment, but if repeated you will be demoted.
5. Have fun! Kicked!!! (but nobody will get kicked cuz everyone is gonna have fun!!)
6. If you want to be promoted please do not ask for it or threaten to leave the guild. If you ask for a promotion you will not be promoted for a further week and if you threaten to leave the guild because of this matter, then we will kick you before have the chance to leave ;) (suuckkkerr!!)
7. Officers cannot demote/promote/kick any member without the permission of a Guild Master, unless they have passed the test run (in the case of promoting a member to a veteran.
~Promotions~...please do not ask for a promo >.<
Recruit- When you pass the test you will be a recruit ofc.
Maximum amount: Unlimited.
Member- 1 week of being in the guild.
Maximum amount: Unlimited.
Veteran- You will of had to have at least 2 months in the guild and become popular amongst the higher ranked players by doing runs with them and helping out in GLD matches. When a GM decides that they like you and your quite active, then you will be asked if you want to take the veteran test in which you will have to do a Vanaduke run and solo various parts and prove good skill. 3 deaths for the run is the maximum amount and any officer or GM can take the member on the test run.
Maximum amount: Unlimited.
Officer- Show high commitment to the guild and a highly skilful player. Very popular amongst the GMs and the guild members. There will be a monthly vote between the Guild Masters on who will be chosen to be an officer.
Maximum amount: 15
Guild Master- If you are one of teh most epic and popular people in the guild. Show extreme awesomeness and skill. If one of the Guild Masters steps down for a while or for good, then an officer(s) will be chosen as a replacement.
Maximum capacity: 5
Recruit- 1 week
Member- 2 weeks
Veteran-2 weeks
Officer- 2 weeks
Guild Master- 6 weeks.
If you know you are going to be inactive for a certain time period please inform us either with mail or on this thread. Once that time period you have informed us on is over you will have 3 days to go online before being demoted. If anyone other than a GM is inactive for longer than 4 weeks without infroming us then they will be kicked ;n;
There will be inactive checks every 2 weeks on Wednesdays.
~Guild Competitions and events~...there will be prizes! :3
Unfortunately there are not any comps or events going on at the moment ;n; but don't worry there will be some soon! We are just recruiting at the moment.
~Other info~...yus, you might wanna keep reading >w<
Hmm I think that is it...i have probs missed some stuff out but who cares?! If you like what u see then either do one of these:
Fastest: Talk to an officer or a GM in game.
Fairly fast: Mail an officer or GM in game.
Medium: Post on this forum.
If you are going to ask someone in game to join the guild, but you are not sure who the guild masters or officers are, then check the list below, and if you see any of these players in game then they will ask you to fill out the application on teh thread and they will give you the LD test.
~Game masters~
*NOTE* The next 10 people who join the guild will be automatically ranked Veteran (unless you are told by a GM that they want you to be a higher rank, not very likely though)
Okie then that's all for now ;D
You missed a rule,
Officer cant Demote/promote/Kick without getting GM's permission, Unless A gm Said Hey (random person) take (random person) on a member Test if he passes promote
And also the guild is Called Divine Eclipse since the name Eclipse was taking 0.o