he bore confections
carmine, rare, so rich; alas
them knights done 'sploded
Halloween Haiku [Winners posted Nov. 1, 2012]
they're from alien stem
don't frown; gull, trip, confound them
or you'll lose the crown
Candy wrappers drift
Riding gusts of harvest wind
Remnants of a king
Gives you wings
Taste the sweet candy.
The Punkin King, gives you wings.
He's orange redbull!
(assuming orange is 2 syllables)
Go pull silly pranks
Home late and game with a friend
Miss Punking event
The punkin king gives
Loads of delicious candy
Where does it come from?
Sergeant Wrench entered!
Now if I win and he loses,
I shall feel guilty.
he likes this orange;
alack, the Punkin Queen bought
pink bedroom drapes
Tim has lost his spleen,
we have not found Kim again.
The price of candy.
After the battle,
the knights reflect on the trick.
"The gourds are the bomb."
Will we get a treat,
Or do we have to fight him?
He slowly inhales...
Deep in the clockworks,
a dangerous game unfolds:
trick-or-treat with bombs.
Oh the grourdlings bomb
the knights,sword in hand
tokens to get!
by ysgmir
The Punkin grew up,
With all his brother Gourdlings
And sister candy
In a small village,
Where they ate sister candy
Was where they grew up
It broke Punkin's heart,
So off he ran, off he ran,
He was so sad, so sad
To remember sis,
Is what the Dark Harvest is,
But we still don't know.
So next time you see,
The mourning Punkin grinning,
You must take his sis.
He might start to hiss,
But knows his heart can't be fixed,
So fades into mist
His grim grin greets them
"The grand gourd's ground," they grumble.
"Grab my sweets, galore!"
First line is third person, second line is the knights' perspective and third line is Punkin King's perspective. :D
[I know I keep on saying "last submission", but making Haikus is fun =) ]
"Pun"! The punkin yells
Pointing at the small gourdling
Just a bit of a star wars reference =)
I dance through the bombs
Of the gourdlings, no other.
A bang boom; Im dead.
I feel like my Haiku was done by a kinder-gardener compared to you all 0_0, well I give up XD. Good luck everyone =)
Just gonna submit one last one (not sure if that's true XD) Oh, and I haven't given up =) Papayas never give up
Admins get candy
As much candy as they want
Not too fair for us :(
They don't have to fight
The punkin which makes us cry
And those darn gourdlings
But I don't really care =)
Cause after eating candy
They all get bad teeth XD
Um, that wasn't too insulting was it?
"Nick and the Punkin"
The Punkin had thought,
That like all other pumpkins,
That he had been planted
But he was so wrong,
Punkin would've never guessed
The one who made him
He was created
By a man who's name was Nick
A bold, smart, strong man
And Punkin envied,
The power of the man, Nick
So he was removed
But on Halloween
The grim Punkin would come back
And rule over all
Once his rule ceased,
He would always remind us,
That he will be back
I actually have no idea what Nick looks like XD Oh well
Walk this path; never straight.
Cross hallowed ground and mists thick,
The King of Gourds waits.
Your first line has 6 syllables in total, might want to change it a bit =)
Hi, all! I'm going to start judging all the entries that were posted before the stated deadline now, and I'll post again here with winners when I have them.
Thanks for hosting this Eurydice, we will all be looking forward to the results. Good luck all =)
I had to split these out into "dramatic" and "comedic" categories, or I was never going to be able to post winners. Hope you all don't mind the extra shot at prizes. :)
First Prize - Raspberry - http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67532?page=1#comment-556693
Candy wrappers drift
Riding gusts of harvest wind
Remnants of a king
Second Prize - Cyberdwarf - http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67532#comment-556296
Grim gourds' winter dance
Orange grins haunt the thicket
Blithe celebration
Runner Up - Gnomesrock - http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67532#comment-556313
He rests in shadows.
Mysterious candy man.
Trick or Treat my boy.
First Prize - Cookiebatter - http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67532#comment-556681
truthfully the King's
partial to boeuf bourguignon
and diabetic
Second Prize - Atgeirr - submitted on Facebook (I told FBers they could do this, as some folks have trouble accessing SK forums)
Though expecting fight,
Punkin King brought us only treats;
Misconstrued, crying
Runner Up - Deluxeloy - http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/67532#comment-556324
Tiny little vines
Smiling pumpkins for faces
Somehow explosive
Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! I hope you had a fun Dark Harvest Festival! Winners, check your in-game mail for your prizes...
Oh my gosh. This is awesome. Thanks a lot! :D
Good job, fellow participants!
Congratulations all winners =) And good job to everyone else who didn't manage to get a prize. Good luck at the next contests all =)
Man, I can't believe I got second prize (Atgeirr)! I wasn't even gonna participate at first... Thank you SO much. Really.
EDIT: Good job to everyone else, by the way, winner or not! Some great stuff posted.
Congrats all!
And yes, that was probably my most inspired one.
Yust opened my box, got a hallow round helm. Gave the piece of junk to a friend.
Souls have been crushed, Hearts shattered, Minds brutally broken. Insanity reign here, in the dark depths of dissapointment. Translation- I am sad I lost. Looks like I shall never win one of these.... But that is okay. I feel happy for all the winners. Good show! Good show! At least the winners wrote well, and the pieces were valid. So, Bookdrake bows respectfully. (clap) Bookdrake Salutes the Competition! Next year, comrades! there is always next year! So do not despair yet. And to all those who bitterly whine and jealously complain...Grow up and find a different forum to spam with your dramatic griefing. I for one find that I can respect all the winners, for they DESERVED to win. So there. Bookdrake out.
Entries have closed down
Prices are being received
Contest is over
"Bleepin' Punkin head
Won't stay in the Nitro blast!"
Bomber cries aloud
@Deluxeloy: Genius.
@Bookdare: Don't give up, man, but remember to count your syllables next time! (One of your haiku ended with 8, which I'm sure disqualifies you. So just remember to watch that - your stuff was good otherwise.)
A common mistake
Is to put four syllables
In the last sentence
Your effort was impressive, don't feel sad in any way!
Remember; Halloween is but another holiday. There's always Christmas and stuff coming up.
I'd bet they'll hold a lot more contests and community things around there, so if you by any chance feel for trying once more, I wish you the best of luck!
And just I got to give you a salute for your sportsmanship. o7
Everyone's haikuing on the end of the contest, might as well join in!
I think my counting
Was careful, but with rushing
And admiring mine
Which is really strange,
For my work is horrible
But I did like mine
Nevertheless, I
Congratulate the winners,
Who also wrote well
May you all enjoy
Your prizes, which you, working
Hard, do quite deserve
And closing my poem,
Which was another reason
For my not winning
(It should be just one
And not many others, which
I yet did create)
I say you farewell
Hope for the same fun next time
I did enjoy this
Besides, I jumped around a bit, which must be somewhat unnerving.
Good haikus, everyone!
And a second congratulation to the winners!
Who is this Book-Dare?
Most likely you mean Bookdrake,
For that is my name.
Books contain dragons,
They are also called Drakes!
Story of my name....
Lastly, syllables
Can be stressed to modify
Frankly, I am sad.
At the same time, I am glad.
No sore winners here!
Truly, it is grand
That no one brags or griefs here.
True victors abound!
To the knights who wrote haikus.
Achieving glory.
Help me please, kind sirs!
I cannot seem to stop this!
Now I'm addicted!
Darn! So many haikus!
Quickly flashing through my mind...
I can't seem to stop!
Yes, I CAN! I have stopped, glory to all! Hooray, hoorah! Congrajulations this Fall! To you and to me, Knights in the breeze! Fighting for glory, honor, and sweets! Aww crud, the power of ballads! They have taken o'er, my pen is askew! No way for me save myself! I find solace in the slavery of tune... Why must i fight for the attentions of others?!? When clearly I have the greatest treasure of all! It because I have you, my shield brothers! A family of guilds and loners as one.... Ok. I think I finally got the poetry outta me. Thats a relief!
Man, you should have AT LEAST gave us a bit more time or an extra day, I didn't know about this until today D:
So to express my anger...
The thought of prizes,
A collection of feelings,
Time dooming us all....
Gosh darnit D: I demand another contest :D jk no i dont care (i do, but im sure you can grasp the point)
I'll finish this off with another haiku as well, then.
Of this small contest,
There isn't much to say, but...
Rejoice on this day.
Congrats to the winners! There were a lot of great haiku here!
I got another one. Came up with it in four seconds instead of three like the other one.
Pockets full of sweet
Hands holding a lot of sour
How is hard a flavor
Because this is fun.
The gourds are long gone,
Yet the fall winds are still here,
We have to give Thanks.
(Was there ever a Thanksgiving event? I think not, since that would be biased towards Americans.)
Truly enjoy this
Creative motivation
Yet I am all out.
Until next season,
My fellow haiku poets.
It now draws nearer.
Hi hi Eurydice<3
I submitted my winning haiku after finishing my Spiral Knights pumpkin entry just before the deadlines. I totally missed handing out candies to the kiddies while carving the pumpkin. However, my friend, TheBadger, left many candy wrappers in the room whilst assisting me with handing me tools during the great pumpkin operation. So that haiku is somewhat about TheBadger's candy addiction and conclusion of the Dark Harvest events.
Thanks so much for running these mini events, Eury. As you can see, the knights are enjoying the mini events so much, that they continue to keep the thread alive even after the event has ended.
I'm still on the mend from a very painful illness that landed me in the hospital last month. When I am back to 100% TheBadger and I will start running events again like we did last year.
Much love,
Aw, how passionate! That sounds nice :D And somewhat predictive... but how?! Nah, just playin with yah :3
name so punning he
thought he'd revolutionize
standup com; he didn't