Two new players looking for nice guild

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Me and my girlfriend decided to start playing this game as a way to keep in touch over the summer. We both just started a few days ago, and haven't gotten very far, nor do we really understand how everything works. We're looking for a guild that wouldn't mind some noobs hanging around, probably being useless. We're both 22, so others around our age would be a plus. Just wanna meet some people and get into this game.

My game name is Manzo, hers is Lizwinz.

Caelifer's picture
Hey :)

If you'd like, Oathkeepers is constantly looking for new members! We're a mainly social guild, but we usually make dungeon runs together and stuff :) If you're interested in joining up, let us know in game!

IGN: Caelifer (Oceanic/SEA Region)
IGN: Mary-Six (Amercas Region Officer)