Hi, today, i was walking around the arcade, and i noticed quite a lot of knights walking around. But they were not live players. They had no names, and they were probably controlled by a computer. Some of them were carrying boxes of crystals, and some of them were just walking around with their swords. They looked like the Spiral HQ knights. With Defenders and Caliburs and Blasters.
Whats going on?
Please answer!
Knights in Arcade

What do you think?
OOO made a patch.
Please give me the link of the other thread.

I saw this not only in the Arcade but the Town Squre too

Mabey it was a test just too see if they work. As in the SK team might of done this to see if they suit in with the Haven
Hmm. maybe.. thanks for the posts :)

They're just for atmosphere--they were introduced on the testing server a while ago. No deep meaning, just enjoy.
Oh okay. i just saw them i thought theres something going on. :)

it makes the area more active and makes it a little more lively, only wish they say something funny or chat with each other something.

It is thought to be a... Kind of preparation for the guild hall update. Not so sure though.

It is thought to be a... Kind of preparation for the guild hall update. Not so sure though.
It's easy to say they have been on the Test Server for a while now, but that does not mean they are not meant to signal something impending... These Animations would have to be tried on the Test Server first anyway, right?
That said, and while I hope they signal the Guildhall Update between now and the December Event, it will not surprise me in the least if they are just for looks and show, to keep all the 13yolds amused... Ooooo! Shiney...
The other thought that popped into my head is, this may be the first year they intend to do an actual Thankgiving Event... Gawd, I hope not...
they ate too much sugar bro.