So yea I didn't charge my Blitz I only used the normal shot no 2nd burst though and no UV's on Blitz. I shot when it was really close leaving the wolver exposed to all of the 1st burst and it survived. Is the blitz having some sort of screwed up damage or what?
t1 wolver and Blitz Needle.
Fri, 11/02/2012 - 18:21

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 21:45

After the gun buff, the
After the gun buff, the normal attack actually became something not-so-terrible. It does a pretty solid amount of damage for each of 6-12 shots compared to, say, AP. Still far overshadowed by its charge, but kills some things quicker than charging up.
nah, it's just doing less damage since you're in t1 and its regular attack isn't all that great anyway.