Mine is dis, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT1S_CWV_sw&feature=plcp
What's your favourite spiral knights Track?

Too many good songs on this game for me to choose for sure, but I like Boss 2 and Creepy Battle pretty equally for different reasons, and I have to mention Gremlin out of principle as well as because it's not used nearly enough where I play at least!

How has no one mentioned the Main Theme? It embodies the struggles and hardships our Knights face under the most dire situations, like when getting surrounded by Jelly Cubes. It also embodies the confusion of crash-landing on a strange planet after getting out of an apparently uncomfortably small escape pod, like how it is the first song played when you create a new Knight. This song is what helps motivate legends, and I would proudly march to the Firestorm Citadel with 0* Proto gear and get royally smacked down if it meant i get to hear that song. Pity FSC doesnt have the Main Theme as its BGM.
Listen to all the glory here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YWuF6_HU8E&feature=player_detailpage

Hands down. :3
But honestly the entire soundtrack is pretty good. One of the few games I never mute.

Ha! Just kidding, it's one of my other favorite soundtracks for another great game.
I like Claws of Nature, because it is so different from the rest of the feeling of the Clockworks.
I have to agree with Soupgenie and Addy for my other favs.

I think my favorite would have to go to the Scarlet Fortress theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR74lLUZc0U.
Nonetheless I still love all of the rest of Spiral Knights music, because like Addy said: it's one of the few games I never mute.

My favorite track is the railroad in Moorcroft Manor :P

The end room of Ghost in the Machine is an extremely good piece of music.

Hands down without second though would be Haven's Winter theme. I started playing SK during winter and I still love it to this day. The soundtrack was beyond heavenly and honestly is the most beautiful soundtrack I have heard on a video game in a long time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x_BN_bT9OA&feature=related

My favourite tracks are:
The mettle of a gremlin
Around the clock workshop
(i think one is called) Heating things up
and the Boss Theme 2

Probably whitespace swarm and sanctuary (and fanfare resurrect 1, lol nope).
Thank you, I am glad you like it :)
I do enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1prVJLPIb1A it reminds me of my early days of Spiral Knights