Has anyone gotten this item yet? I'm curious as to how much Ancient Plate Mail reduces your movement speed by. I've been using it's lesser tiers and the attack speed difference has been pretty much unnoticeable, but when they start talking about decreasing my ability to move around the field then I am a little more cautious.
Ancient Plate Mail.
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 00:36

Wed, 05/04/2011 - 04:32
Legacy Username
Zeirnaton: Buy some
Zeirnaton: Buy some punctuation instead. It's free.
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 05:35
Legacy Username
The movement speed decrease
The movement speed decrease is as noticeable as the Quicksilver's increase: negligible. The attack speed decrease can be avoided with the right UVs... But it's all normal defense. You can take Trojans like a pro, but if you catch on fire, you're going to lose some of your gratuitous amounts of health.
atk spd decrease was pretty noticable for me atleast when I was using the fang of fog with and without the armor (volcanic Plate) no one rly wants the ancient plate set so they are prolly aiming for the fog first im gonna wait till i'm at 150 almirian seals im hoping they eventually decide to aid the blackened crest to the token vendor if not I'll buy the set with the shield i'm almost at 100 seals alrdy after buying my fog