I read about them but how do you recognize them?
Love Puppies and Mewcats
Sat, 11/03/2012 - 13:28
Sat, 11/03/2012 - 17:28
Careful with Mewkats, they
Careful with Mewkats, they die in one hit. Love Puppies don't and are, in my experience, less uncommon, so you'll have little trouble finding and keeping one.
Sun, 11/04/2012 - 01:54
The papaya replies @Dukeplatypus
I know quite a few people who kill both on sight 0_0 Love puppies for their trinkets and Mewkats cause they are "darn annoying". How could anyone kill one of those on sight ;(
Sun, 11/04/2012 - 06:58
To be fair, many situations where they spawn force players to kill them, like when the next gate doesn't open until all enemies are killed, regardless of whether said enemies are aggressive or not.
It's not our fault. The game conditions us to kill them on sight. :(
You will know it when you see them.
Mewcats are tiny and tranquil Spookats that never attack, Love Puppies are pink and fire hearts unlike their dangerous counterparts.
Pretty simple, the wiki even has pictures.