We ALMOST got the 6969 ... Almost... ouch this hurts so bad.
2 hours of LD. True story.
We ALMOST got the 6969 ... Almost... ouch this hurts so bad.
2 hours of LD. True story.
!!! Laylla, get the chat censored or else there will be blood!
Well I guess there are some things that make the game permanently unpleasant in its review, losing rank and all.
Took us 3 hours: http://i.imgur.com/1w2pE.jpg
We did get a screenie at 6960 (Cant access my main laptop right now to get it) but I think we also failed at the 6969 mark.
What the hell Enc?
Are ye trying to do Fire Emblem tactics? I'm so jelly right now because I'm developing one sometime on the future.
Darn, now I revealed everything. x.x
So close!
So you can have LD matches that run forever? Cool.
Lol, I just came in GD and saw your thread and two others below it and read "So close it hurts...sorry, I'm leaving!" and thought Gee Whizz what's all the commotion about?
On topic though; did come very close; that last 9 points is a [wheel] to time D:
Guys What The FFFF!
This is so creepy stop trying to get some number combination to show up on the screen, thats what photoshop is for >.>
See i was in the same match as a spectator and my screen is correct
You wasted HOURS in LD.. it took me 5 minutes in mac image editor.. not even trying. oh and u got extra Cr too
@Enclavean: This is hilarous xd
@Lolish: This phornoshopped version isn't good. The number is.. warped xd
Dammit Laylla why u have to come with ur OCD complains.. btw "phornoshopped" :L
(this one isnt warped)
Next time please keep this in mind
It's not about getting the image, it's about achieving the result. The image is just for posterity. Just making a photoshopped image skips the result altogether.
I guess some folk who are ok with lying would be down with claimimg a false victory based on a photoshopped image, but most folk arenae~
Don't worry Laylla, theres always next time =)
mitezuss and I made over 10k in 1v1, then upload photo
Two hours, I wasn't even the first to leave, and I STILL got the lowest score.
Maybe it was the Leviathan Blade charge spam... oh well. Still a fun game.
Really? That is painful. Especially getting 100k damage