Ok, so I'm confused with punch. Is he good or bad? Let's hear a few stories, shall we?
Pros on Punch
-100% chance on getting UV
-able to select how many UVs you plan to get
Cons on Punch
-waste of truck loads of money
-most likely to get low
My story on Punch:
I was pretty worried on my first Punch UV, heres how it went. I was excited to punch my freezing atomizer. I clicked the button and decided to get 1 UV.
I got a very high damage bonus on fiends. HOWEVER freezing atomizer is a status bomb. And how on earth ae you going to charge your bomb when
fiends are spamming computers everywhere?
Pros on Rage crafting
-costs less
Cons on Rage crafting
-you may get nothing
My story on ragecrafting:
I got 2 UVs on my barbarous thorn sheild. This was my first 5* sheild AND UV for rage crafting. I was pretty happy. UNTIL I saw that I got double lows. I
got low normal resistance as well as stun. But still, yay I guess?
Punch or Ragecraft
I do understand that people are angry with punch because he doesn't give "great" UVs. Take my friend for example. He got undead low on his dark
retribution. But let's hear it from some other people, shall we?
If ye hear from other people, I'm sure they'll also give the same answer.
Punch gives a very low and lower than 5% chance of getting a marverllous unique variant into yer weapons, and it is valuable for sure.
Ragecrafts are different story. It's even more lower chances, might not get unique variants, and cost less than Punch's.
I say... One does not pleases the Random Number Generator Goddess for valuable items. :v
I think we all know that Boswick probably rigged it...
Ragecraft is cool if you have a slave camp of alts....... if you want to ragecraft wiht your main, you're wasting as much as with punch.
Do yourself a favor and Stand in front of an Anvil!
I can tell from experience, both methods work, but i prefer Punch.
I have an alt account were i craft once in a while and out of approx 20 items ive got 3 Uvs, all single, all low >.>
On my main, paid account, I've gotten triple Uvs on shield(low, low, med), and some double Uvs and single, all med, and low >.> nothing great really.
On the other hand, when crafting with punch ive gotten CTR high on sealed sword which is worth 15K CE, but i traded it for Volc Dragon wings the day before Volcanic came back in boxes :/ and still luckily traded them for 8K CE.(3-4 months ago.. prices may have changed.)
Also when crafting with Punch i Highly recommend using 1Uv Tickets. 1Uv ticket is worth 20kCr while 3Uv is 225kCr. My point being, it is always so much awesomer to spend 220k Cr on Eleven 1Uv tickets and craft until you get your desired Uv, rather than spending it all on some expensive 3Uv Ticket.
I cant guarantee you'll get the same results, and keep in mind you'll most probably be wasting a lot of Cr. And if you rage-craft you will also waste a lot of time buying mats.. crafting.. and selling your useless non-uv stuff.
For more info always check the Wiki which is awesome http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Unique_variant
The Random Number Genie is fickle. I say Genie because "Random Number God" or any variation thereof implies the RNG is benevolent, while in actuality, the RNG is more like the jerk-*** genie that twists the words you wished for to give you useless junk.
Stupid Undead Med on a Virulent Catalyzer.
Say, Thunderbog, you mind linking that ridiculous FE7 Arena video where Heath and his opponent kept dodging each other?
Ye mean this?
Time to make a joke to something on Spiral Knights.
Need a UV now? Punch.
Need a UVd item at some, indeterminate point? Ragecraft.
On a final flourish and The last UV i got was fiend high, I was happy with that.......
The i crafted BTB got fiend VH so i UV'ed FF again since i didn't need double fiend and finally got an ASI ( low )
Both are the same in ma opinion.
punch: undead low, brandish
craft -not ragecraft-: freeze high, fused demo suit
end of the story.
Let's see:
+Cheapest method of trying to obtain UVs (almost for free with mist, assuming you have buttloads of materials/crowns and you're crafting with 2* gear).
+You can try to compensate your "failed attempts" by selling them, or giving to your alts, or if you're feeling generous, give them away to newbies too.
-Slowest aswell, if you're only using your spare mist.
-Chance of getting at least a single UV of any kind is low, specially if you're trying to obtain 3 in one item.
-Not as versatile about selecting UVs like the punching method.
+Guaranteed chance of getting any UV, whose number depends on the ticket.
+Very quick and practical.
+Now with UV locking you can lock a good UV and try to gain another with no risk of losing the 1st.
+You can do it with any sort of gear, even with 5*.
-Most expensive method (specially when trying to go for 3 variants).
-Still doesn't grant the desired UV.
So in short, if you want the most economic way of obtaining them and have spare mist you don't need for anything else, then rage crafting it is.
If you have buttload of money to blow away, in the other hand, and/or you have no patience to craft, punching it is.
punch: undead low, brandish
craft -not ragecraft-: freeze high, fused demo suit
end of the story
^ Troll. Ignore him. Forever. He's either genuinely that stupid or is tryin' to get you to burn your cr at Punch.
What more do you want? You've been given succinct and comprehensive answers, there's really not much more to be said...
I like punch..
He is a troll
But you will get high UVs pretty often
And that is why I use normal damage weapons
Heavy shard bomb FTW
I never punched that o_o
excuse me for a moment..
Neither Punch nor Alchemy Crafting can help ye to get ASI VH/CTR VH stuffs easily.
Take one advice, thou.
"Punch is a scam. End of story."