How did you start your way to millionism?
For all you Merchs out there...

With 2 gifted prize boxes... I sold these for 500K each. Now I just constantly re-invest and re-sell..... buy low, sell high.
The fastest way to make money in SK, would be to first start with materials. Buy from people in Haven. Yell "Buying X for Y cr!" by the AH. Then immediately turn around and put these mats on the AH. Make a mental timeline of how old items are. If they're fairly new and in demand, like Halloween auras are, then they're game. Buy them like no other, even if they cost 100K each... then wait a couple of months and resell them at more than twice what you paid for them, provided that there is demand. Log on and ragecraft with your mist once you get stuck at the 3* Hall of Heroes. Hopefully, you will ragecraft a few good max/Vh uvs. Ragecraft whatever makes you the most money- don't go for wolver when you ragecraft. Don't bother actually playing the game unless it is to go on recipe runs to basil. When you do this, make sure to bring a good 50K with you- go with 3 people that aren't going for recipes. Then, when they get to basil, get them buy you even more recipes. Only buy 3* recipes from T2 basil that will go into boss items. Learn which ones sell well, even if it takes a spread sheet. Once you get to about 400K+400K (which really isn't very much) invested into things, you can focus on playing the game entirely F2P. Buy CE, and go slowly. Enjoy the game, because if you don't, then you'll have to go back to ragecrafting+hunting+retailing materials.

I don't merch actively anymore, but my start was like Holla: crafting and selling 3* and 4* gear before the binding patch. Eventually I moved into accessories when they were introduced--farming bosses on my main to buy cheap ce from the market, trading that ce to crafting alts to use their mist when buying keys (or using cr to buy cheap keys from the AH when I found a good deal). Even fairly common things (i.e. not maid headbands, not barrel bellies) would at least pay for themselves most of the time, and anything in demand could easily double or triple what I was paying for a key. The biggest single sale I had was around 900k for a divine bomb band (think keys cost me 30-40k at that point), but my bread and butter were ghostly auras, as I managed to pull them with some regularity. After the rarities of accessories were "rebalanced," however, the market crashed. Ce was still relatively cheap, but the flood of common accessories into the market by all the players opening boxes made their value plummet, and increased demand for keys led to fewer bargains to be had from the AH. No longer able to reliably make back my money while waiting for a big ticket item, I moved into rage crafting for UVs. Now, however, I just craft for personal use and sell the duds for a small, but steady, profit.
Well when 000 released the binding update, items that were already unbinded became worth a lot of money. I sold the items that were unbinded that I was selling before update and made a killing. Others started putting their unbinded 4-5 star items on the ah. I bought them out and sold them for more at a later period. As less and less 4-5 star items made it onto the ah the demand and price rose. I later became adept at prices for Unique varients and made a lot of money off that knowledge.
I feel bad for people playing the game now. Merching has become harder and harder as the demand for majority of items has all but crashed. I know this because High-End uv's such as CTR VH, Asi Vh, Max Defenses have fallen in price across the board. Every time I log in, which is once in a while. I still see the same people selling the same things for weeks and weeks. I enjoyed being able to make money to purchase stuff I wanted, without paying real money. It was a lot of work and it took a lot of patience.
There are still merchers out there and a lot of them I made friends with. I advise anyone out there to make friends with those guys. There knowledge can be very helpful, and can save you from making bad purchases. They also know who is looking for what, and how much they are willing to pay. Making those connections are invaluable.