Thats my story:
Once upon a time, there was a guy just started playing TF2. He learned this game from a friend, then he learned that there is a promo about Spiral Knights. He installed the game, got the hat, and liked the game and played. The end.
Tl;dr: via TF2
How did you?
How did you start playing this game?
I joined becuase i like Cherub's (Lead artist) other works like Bralwer Whirled- , so saw this advertisment floating around and i knew the art looked familiar so i hopped on as soon as i could. Totally not disappointed.
I joined to this game because i shutted down my quake3 server but another guy took my IP so i dont have chances to recover my server. then i went to TF2 again and start playing it since i stopped around 2009 i think. then in the summer of june 20011 i found there was a promo for TF2 that i would get a hat for TF2 (spiral sallet) if i managed to reach clockworks in Spiral Knights. i played the game and i like it because was like old school games with some Zelda gameplay style. then after get my hat i found spiral knights fun, since then i play spiral.
I joined this game because I loved the co-op aspect of this game and I wanted something to play with my friends. I would have joined exactly at launch however, they said no and I moved on until about a week or two later and decided to try it myself. After about a month of playing I stopped because... I don't know really, I enjoyed it but just stopped. I later started playing again for the Steam Winter Achievement and I got instantly hooked with the new content.
My brother is Director of the RRR (R3) forums, and he sees a lot of games come and go through there. One of the forum-goers introduced him to this game, and then...he introduced me to it. lol
I was playing portal 2 co-op with random people and in one game we got into a chat about what games we play. The topic of new games came up, and he suggested to me to try out SK, since it was Free 2 play.
And then I was here. I joined relatively close to the steam launch. Just after good ol' Snarby was introduced.
I wanted a
Massively Multiplayer
Free To Play
Game..... Searched through Google one day.... Found This! :D
I crashed from the Skylark like the rest of you guys... don't you remember?
i got here from a video on youtube called "spiral knights in a Nutshell"
I got here from an AD from another game
Goddammit, I wrote a solid 2 paragraphs on a touch screen and the damn forum erased it because I happened to log off during it. I bloody hate these forums in more ways than one >.<
Abridged version: Steam added MMOs, I waited a couple months to play, liked the game, did a fire-slime danger room with a Super Stun Gun, loved the game, bought a blue chap in the promo, skipped grinding with the CE, did fashion, really loved game for a pretty long time.
on the Blockland forums during the beta. Why am I mentioning him? He sent me an invite after he got into the beta. (He is really lucky when it comes to getting into the beta for things. He gets into the beta for everything he signs up for. XD)
A friend mentioned it to me the day before the game was officially released. Just an offhanded mention, "You should check out Spiral Knights if you get a chance." I thought it was a band, so my puzzlement when I Youtubed it pulled up a trailer.. and was instantly sold.
I was looking at a site my friends told me about. They said it had free games. So naturally I went on it. 'twas Miniclip. I checked the MMO section, found SK, and her ah am.
Browsed The Steam store, saw this game, tried it, and now addicted to it.
An advertisement on the 'Game Maker' game gallery. It showed a knight with the spiral tailed helm and the the artwork drew me in. Played it and loved the graphics. That was back when Snarby was released, but I stopped playing until about February because of the fact I was using dial-up and my computer was extremely slow. :|
Advertisement. Dat artwork.(Cobalt knight running forward)
First, I saw an ad about it on youtube. It was a picture of a knight running. (As you see on the home page.) Next, I asked a friend about it and he looked at it and said I should try it out. Last, I killed Razhog in the game and loved it. :)
Started playing this for mere curiosity.
Saw it on Steam and that it was F2P, so tried it (since F2P are the best games arround), and liked it.
i joined because a friend found it on in the middle of summer and got me into it later.
I joined to get a TF2 hat, got it, deleted my char never to return to this game ever again... I returned to the game around the start of october, got an elepass, enjoyed it though and though.
I saw an ad for spiral knights on youtube, I clicked on it, saw the main page of sk, didn't play it. At the time, I didn't intrest me enough to play.About a year or so later, my brother saw another ad on youtube about sk, just like me.However, he actually tried out the game.He seemed to enjoy it.After I saw him have fun with the game, I decided that I wanted to have fun as well.So I tried it out, fell in love with it.Today, my brother doesn't play sk that much, but I still do =3
Same as Art I too joined because of miniclip and a freind also told me about this game.
It brought me here as it did to a ton of other players.
I saw an advertisement for "7 free online games worth playing," on Yahoo. SK was #1.
Sad that his computer wouldn't let him play
I actually started playing because of the Steam holiday sale last Christmas, purely to get myself a lump of coal, and I enjoyed the game enough to stick around.
I joined this game because my cousin was in beta and I wanted to try as well. He sent me an invite and I fell in love with the combat! After beta ended I grew less attached and stopped playing for awhile but I still go on every so often for a nice stroll through T2. I actually never even fought Vanaduke until yesterday and only through shenanigans, but my slow progression has been fine by me ^^
My friend was playing Spiral Knights, while I was still on my TF2 stage. I was curious why he didn't come over and join me, so I downloaded Spiral Knights. And now look at me >.>;
June 2011. Saw the steam promos about "free to play coming to steam". Saw the videos, decided it was worth a shot. Didn't really care about the hat as much as the game.
I had been playing the MMO Runescape(many of you may be familiar with it) for about 5 years, but was starting to get tired of it. My brother told me to get a steam account and he recommended Team Fortress 2, and while I do like it, it's just a complete different game style than what I've liked in the past. When steam started supporting Free to Play games, my brother told me about Spiral Knights, but I didn't have the motivation to start it. One day on Team Fortress 2, I decided I wanted the promo hat from this game, so I decided to try it out. Two days into the game I loved it, and have been playing ever since then.
The funny thing is, I'm currently trying to get my brother to play this game, yet he was the one who originally got me into Spiral Knights
I saw this game recommended in the discussion forum for a webcomic called Order of the Stick.
It said, "This game is part steampunk, part Legend of Zelda" so I tried it and now here I am 1.25 years later.
This game really sold me on the new features that were added regularly. Nowadays there's not so much of that, just more stuff or bugfixes, but I'm having fun taking new players under my tutelage.