there should be one *-*
ultimate ld guild
It changes every couple of months. I think last one was Rigorous or maybe Aequitas? Hell if I know what it is now.
Lockdown guilds never last ... does anyone know why? xD
The same reason AFK died even though we were never even anywhere near an LD guild. The wrong person gets in control and kicks all the people who they think aren't "good enough" at LD.
I'm creating my own lockdown guild. With blackjack and hookies.
There shouldn't be an "ultimate" LD guild. If there were such a guild they'd eventually have no competition to play against and GvG will dry up again since no one would even bother playing against them. (Unless they split off and join an alt guild to play against themselves)
They die because they have nothing else to achieve.
Aequitas is still alive, I think. Rigorous blew up.
"(Unless they split off and join an alt guild to play against themselves)"
Haha, there is only one guild in this game with a alt guild comparable in power to themselves. Jampure? Forgot the name. How long have they been #1 on the weekly leaderboards exactly? Is it at 40 weeks?
._. this game
I recall an "ultimate" LD guild. It was finesse and it no longer exists.
The good thing about LD in those days was that you could toss a guild team together and not run into finesse every game.
Jempire or something like that?