Strudul, this the most anticipated updates since danger missions. It's not just about cosmetics like all the others, it's about you and your band of brothers coming together towards a common, tangible goal. It's about being able to give back to a guild that you love. It's about taking pride in being the best guild you possibly can be.
triple 0 released a video of the new guildhall update

I was more vitriolic in the Spanish forum, but I have to say this:
I am fine that we add another CROWN sink that is only purely cosmetic, because it will help not us choke in inflation, and of course it is nice to have your personal space in a game, but for the love of god: WHY, why are there basic Haven services in the Hall? And with that I mean shops etc. I already don't even like our current Alchemy machine.
My reasoning being that this is going to leave Haven empty with just newbies, recruiters and MAYBE merchants. Now people won't want to walk around Haven when they have their pretty, own personal space made to their convenience which may fit every single need. It will leave the main player area soulless, which last update with NPCs roaming around giving a fake atmosphere of having people around.
___:rabble incoming:___
This also has happened in another social MMO which I won't give the name:
The game has a free roaming world where players would build resource spots and live of it, with a few communities areas here and there. Players also COULD have houses, but all followed a set pattern and not all resources were made avaiable there. It was a lively world, with things happening every day.
Cue "connecting homes and gardens": An update came which made homes instanced and able to be connected by friending other people, with a signpost which would lead to the homes of the other friends of said player. Also, all resources were made avaiable to put in the garden, open to the public. The result? Instantly, "resource routes" to gather every single resource fast were born, and the open world was empty from one day to the other. Of course, the game continued to be updated constantly and motivations were added to go to the open world, but PLEASE, have SOMETHING interesting for us to do in Haven. And also please do something too to the Arcade, because this EXACT SAME THING happened already due to Mission Mode - Shadow Lairs are NOT a really used/accesible motivation, at all, and Basil is on health support only due to boss recipes.

If you read the discussion in my thread, I originally had things like the Auction House in it.
I intentionally removed those things from my GH suggestion because it would make Haven dead, or at best, much less populated. People would only go there to sell stuff to other players sans-Auction House.
I have no idea why OOO would put those things in the Guild Hall. Of course I'm not trying to be elitist and say whatever isn't in my thread shouldn't go, but it was discussed multiple times and always came out with a bad result. Unless OOO is doing something else with it, they didn't really think it over very much.

Until then I'm done screwing around with the client. If I continue to have the issues I've been having the past week I will be quitting com-freaking-pletely. Goodnight all.
YES. I am a hater.
The snipe room needs to be in a separate outside area. It dosent look natural inside.