
3 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Hey wouldn't it be cool if the game showd us how many monsters we have killed in total? like u killed 10 tree's 15 wolfs 5 skeletons etc etc
and then u see total kills 30
and this way u can like compete which eachothers on who gets the most kills and stuff and maybe give the one with the most kills a price like Crowns bonus!
or rare item idunno.
Would be cool that u see it after u reach a terminal or u reached the core.
just like in Super smash bros brawl u see at the end how much kills and stuff.

Legacy Username
super smash bros brawl

lol this has nothing to do with anything. but i love that game :P haha

Legacy Username
Oh, god no. We don't need

Oh, god no.

We don't need ways to measure and reward the lengths of our e-peens.

Rewarding or even displaying the number of kills immediately changes any team play into a competition. Instead of trying what works best as a group, each player is just trying to get the most kills, timing their attacks to steal kills from their own allies.

Funny that you should use Smash Bros. as an example, too. Do you notice that players always use stock rules instead of deciding wins by kills/deaths? There's a reason for that.

And quite frankly, I don't ever want to see how many times I've died.

Legacy Username
lol, i would like to see how many times i died >_<

And let people compare it >_<. But, really, i would like to see this game status, but, rather, only privatelly for you, and without rewards at all, just for fun of the people involved. Actually, i would like to see how much % killed, and not how much numbers kkilled. This way, you could get a bigger % if you caused more damage, but not necessarelly killed everything.

But, it would be good to have a random dungeon, with many obstacles, that could be made in a competition arena, to see wich one takes less time to get to the end, with less deaths, more kills, less item useds (so, if you effectivelly kills nothing, but gets at the end 4 mins before anyone, then you can win, but, always making sure that the points for killing are much greater than the points gained by reaching first, and that dying would reduce some points, more than what you lose by getting late). You know, make somthing where your targets are only monsters, but that work like the battle brawl, as a pvp.