Like the title says, I'm interested in the political views of others in the community.
Obama re-elected, what are your opinions
I can't vent my true thoughts, not here..
Meh. But better Obama than the guy who will ruin America even faster in my lifetime.
lol southerners
*Evil face*
When Romney wins Bi's are doomed! >:D
i don't care waiting for smart-brain corp or some other evil organization, to take over world in 3, 2, 1 ....
We're doomed. You want my real opinion? Most of us Americans (although I am an American I don't count myself among those who I am about to describe) are too self-centered and short-sighted to vote for anything other than personal gain or single issues. Who cares if Romney wants to reduce welfare (calm down, I'm just using it as an example) if there won't be an America with enough money left to even deal with it under Obama?
Hey, you asked.
Me: Well, Hope for the best and (likely) prepare for the worst.
As a non-American I'm glad as is most of the world at large, at least now America can continue very slowly on the path to catching up with the rest of us in the modern Western world with being progressive on the rights of women, people of different sexualities, people of different gender identities and people of different races.
if i wrote down my honest opinion, i would be banned for life.
but i will tell you this, Obama is now gonna take the full responsibility of his errors. first term, he and his campaign blamed former president Bush for the economy and everything. he cant do that now. Now hes on his only. no excuses.
It's sad, but that won't happen. They'll always find someone else to blame.
And @Echo: Becoming like the rest of the world was never a founding value of America. We made our own country specifically because we wanted to be our own. If being like the rest of the world (and by that I'm guessing you mean Europe) means that they take away our guns, I can tell you from experience that they're gonna have one hell of a time in the south.
America was also founded on slavery in a very different time to the one we live in, but if founding values are all so important I guess we better get back to segregating black people. If you value your guns over the rights of minorities you're certainly entitled to that belief, but I think it's a pretty apt summary of why the American republican party is a laughing stock around the world.
And "by the rest of the world" I meant what I said, the only country in the entire world that was in favour of Romney was Pakistan which is hardly the forefront of equal rights. Everywhere else was in favour of Obama and almost all by landslides. Obama's hardly an ideal choice, but anyone that can genuinely say Romney is a better alternative is insane.
Making assumptions about my views on equal rights is completely unfounded and frankly detracts from your arguments. I never said anything about slavery. You brought that in. I believe in equal rights. I also know that our debt has gotten worse under Obama. But if you think that we should be more like Europe and go further in debt and wreck our economy even more, you're entitled to that. 'Cause see? I believe in free speech too. And you won't change my beliefs any more than I'll change yours.
Obama pretty much was the best for moving forward when it comes to social issues like gay marriage and women's rights. Also it takes time to fix a country so he shouldn't be blamed for the recession happening. Let him serve his two terms and see what he can do. I think he's a great man, and president.
I'm Surprised and disappointed about these results. Obama can do whatever he wants now. But I'm still hoping for the best.
I have to say, I'm disappointed. Would have preferred Romney.
That said, at least the Republicans seem to be getting enough House seats to hold their own against Obama, so we won't likely have a bill declaring it illegal to state your beliefs and still own a business.
Nice a self-righteous, self-serving European amongst the American politics discussion and who thinks Europe had to part of the rum-sugar-slave triangle nor gave their money to America for what they wanted out of that triangle providing the money of those Americans to buy slaves. How sweet.
My opinion on the topic, RIP America. Get ready for Mexamerica, a 3rd world nation. The nation you will fight for your right to reproduce.
I'm not going to assume anything about your nationality based on your username at this moment, but maybe you didn't know that Obama himself said at the start of his term that if he couldn't fix this in one term, he wouldn't deserve another. "If I don't have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition." As far as can be told, very little (if anything) has been done to actually improve the American economy which is probably the most important issue right now seeing as how nothing will mean anything if (or when, depending on your outlook) this country collapses.
Ahem, Obama deserved to WIN!!! [even though he did] Lol and 303 to 206 >.>
...and that's all I have to say on the matter.
World will end in a month, whoever won won't change a thing. We are all doomed as is.
It's funny how most of you are all anti-Obama and yet he won by a landslide. Just an observation. Anyways, I'm glad Obama got elected although I'm not from America.
Although I don't know much about the presidential election (I'm not 18 yet), I think Obama was better about relations with other nations, so it wasn't that other countries where laughing at Romney.
And I do find it strange. So many people are booing Obama yet he won. (I'm happy about that for some reasons.) It's sad how untruthful the press is, like the one time they cut out parts of a video and only left the parts to make the person look stupid. (I forget who that was.) Unless people look further, the people are at the press's will.
Note that I won't be coming back to this thread, as I was just giving my two cents. (But then again I might anyway. :P)
i was really looking forward to finding me a good job.
when Obama was elected, i had a good job, was 14. 2 years later, i got fired and i cant find a job. course, i live with my parents. so its not like the end of the world but we have low income and my job used to help around the house.
Economy is more important than Social Issues.
..... Mother fricking Abe and Eagle for 2016.
I can understand not liking Obama, but actually liking Romney? What the hell.
Who we needed was Ron Paul.
I like what I'm hearing from all you, even though so many people have different opinions, you all have something to back up what you feel, which in my opinion, matters most.
Just 2 things I'd like to comment on,
First, Canine, I think understand what you're saying, but the main job crysis going on has to do mostly with people with degrees not being able to find jobs in their fields, not so much unskilled workers without jobs.
And second thing, Tantarian, RON PAUL FOREVER!!!
Well, it seems like everyone's moved on by now
As a Green, I just sat down and ate my pack of nachos while uttering,"Which is better, Chocolate or Vanilla?". And I just sat there laughing all day.
Won by a landslide? Haha...won by a landslide...
He won by less than 10% of the votes my friend. That's not a landslide. A clear victory, yes, but not a landslide. Also, the last 100 Electoral votes were almost exclusively swing states where the vote was extremely close to 50-50.
My opinion? The fiscal cliff will NOT be avoided, Republicans WILL get blamed for the sequestering that Obama himself started that will cause us to go over the fiscal cliff come January 13, and I might move to Honduras.
My prediction? The fiscal cliff will cut off some social services, raise taxes universally (Obama voters - not just the rich), and forcefully cut spending of government services, which can be harmful.
At the very least, we will continue to be in a recession. Many say we were in one and came out, I believe we've been in a recession this entire time. The Government Spending rate when related to the Gross Domestic Product has NEVER been higher in the history of America since World War II and the Great Depression.
We will see the evidence of that. I'm curious though, who Obama will blame now. Surely he can't blame Bush for what happened 5 years ago...or could he...
@Autofire: Being under 18 doesn't really excuse you to be ignorant about the future of your country. I've just turned 17 and I very strongly oppose Obama.
@Echoez: Wow. That is the most racially-charged statement I've ever seen. Progressive Liberals aren't even that radical (Then again...). What's wrong with how they are now? There is no nationwide sexism going on. Why make a case of it? There is certainly no racism going on, unless you're watching ABC News. According to ABC News, the only reason Obama didn't get every vote of EVERY American is because he's African-American, which is completely untrue.
To say that America should vote Obama in because Greece supported him? Well, let's just say your argument is invalid if you want America to become like Greece.
I preferred Obama, probably because Romney sounded too much like he was going to start a riot half the time.
Most of these political rally things annoy me, because it sounds just that little bit shy of becoming a civil war. They all might as well be saying 'Dat other candidate's the enemy! Git 'im!'
Another thing: People seem to think that once someone's president, all of the wishes and dreams they had when they voted for him will magically come true. It's not like the new guy can just walk up to his desk and say 'Well, I promised, so lemme sign those papers already, I intend to keep them.' For one, they're politicians, promising long-term things is what they do to get votes. Second, the old saying 'Change doesn't happen overnight' applies. Sure they have a few years, but if you think about it, most of this official fecal matter takes an obscene amount of time to get ANYWHERE.
Like trials and crud. Some people can wait about six months or so until their trial, until when they have to sit in a prison presumed guilty.
Lot's of other official stuff takes a preposterous amount of time to get done, so I just look at the people and judge them, as opposed to what they're promising. Of course, I also take those into account, because if someone's proposing something completely stupid, that candidate's not very likely to be a very good choice, if he/she can even propose an idea like that.
In any case, although I prefer Obama over Romney, doesn't mean I support Obama. I know too little about American politics and current events to properly judge, but so far I'd say he isn't doing too much of a flash job either.
so still waiting for evil organization to take over world where is cobra when u need it. at least they try.
Yes, it does take a while to do stuff.
But when you have the super majority in the House and Senate for 2 whole years, and the only thing you pass is Nationwide socialist healthcare, there's a problem.
The reason they lost the super majority is just because of that fact.
@Severage: "In any case, although I prefer Obama over Romney, doesn't mean I support Obama. I know too little about American politics and current events to properly judge, but so far I'd say he isn't doing too much of a flash job either."
^That. :P
Although you probably just want to get that out of your system/clear.
You have no idea lol. There's so much I could say about this administration that makes me upset...
Like his peacemongering by disabling over half of our missiles. I've got no problem with peace...certainly it's better than war...but why compromise our country's security and ability to protect ourselves 'for the effort of peace'? Whoever wants to attack us will be more inclined to, not feel less threatened. Eesh.
Yep...politics gets me all riled up inside.
I'm a political bucket.
PS: That pail pun, bad as it was (and twice), made me laugh inside.
obama's campaign people made up a bunch of stuff about romney.
Romney is NOT against gay people. He is for equal rights.
He hasn't done anything against women. There are some republicans that have... but he's not one of them.
Romney is more of a moderate republican. He's not a straight republican.
I really wanted romney as president.
But someone said it earlier... no matter what way it's going to be bad because of our economic state right now.
I also don't agree with taxing the rich more to get more taxes out of them to give to others. Please don't think of me as thoughtless, it's just that I plan on going to podiatry school to be a doctor. I will be earning money and saving to take care of my family. I will be working hard and putting in long hours for years and years. Why should I be punished for my success? Why should I have money taken away from me and given out? I want to be able to donate my money freely to who I choose to donate to. I don't want to be told where to put and and someone else decided on what terms it is given to who. I know good people that I know struggle because of special circumstances in their lives, and I would be more than happy to help them. But the way that the government treats successful people, agriculture, and small businesses is completely ridiculous. They are what helps the economy thrive. There are too many people in this world worried about what others do and they get jealous. Because of this jealousy I don't get help with my school. My parents aren't paying for my school. I'm paying for it. But because my parents make too much money I don't receive help. So instead I have to take out student loans that will take me probably 20-30 years to pay off. This is why i wanted romney. I wanted him because of him knowing the value of business and that our economy thrives off of business.
Plus, if you treat rich people they way they are now... they are least likely to take chances and invest. When the rich want to invest and take chances then it can help create new businesses and new jobs. The economy will thrive. Just... my observations.
I can't believe all these people that would want a man who said that banks and corporations are people at one point to sit in the oval office.
i just hope obama doesn't screw up on saving our economy. if he messes up, i will eat one of my teeth.
I already had a long-ish post written up, but instead I'll just say this.
Hyllia, have fun eating your teeth.
It's great to know that most of the community is for equal rights.
That's an improvement.
Some person acted akin to some concited person writing how gays can now marry was disgusting and immoral.
We need a papaya, and a towel.............Think about it, a papaya will give you enough nutrients(and water) to survive for awhile. A towel can act as a form of insulation, you can dry yourself with it, you can use it as a weapon, you can use it as a hat (lol), AND towels are darn cheap. So are papayas, you can grow them :P
Fine, in all seriousness: I really don't care who won as long as the economy still survives (even better, thrives) and everyone in this world is happy. end of story.fullstop.
I really don't care who won as long as the economy still survives (even better, thrives) and everyone in this world is happy. end of story.fullstop.
You've been out-of-country for a few years, haven't you?
Or for the 2nd half, out of this world.
I don't think either of your prerequisites to not caring has been fulfilled for...a long time. lol
@Thimol: I can't believe all these people that would want a man who said that banks and corporations are people at one point to sit in the oval office.
I can't believe you would vote for a party who claimed that banks were too large to fail, leading to economic collapse.
Obama's had a ton of stress in the last 4 years because of what stuff Bush left in the office. Do you see Obama's hair? He just wants to finish his plans from before. Mt.Romney had no experience whatsoever and we would literally find people dead on the ground from starvation. Mt.Romney doesn't understand how hard it can be to be a women in today's society much less poor. Mt.Romney was going to use our National Parks for oil... National Parks are part of our history which we actually learn off of. Mt.Romney thinks that most of our Middle Class doesn't work at all. That's stupid about 75% of us work everyday until retirement. The rest have messed up really bad and it's almost impossible to get back up on their feet.
Just look at Mitt's face too. >-> So... Sleazy... That smile is so obnoxious... I support Obama but it's funny how so many people expect so much out of him like he's not human.
pawsmack.....:facepalm: for you!
Please Read It:
Now that he cant blame Bush for his problems, he decided to go over the cliff and blame it on the Republicans.
Thats called being a dbag.
Honestly I really don't care. I'm not here to debate with anyone. Just because you say a few words about politics doesn't mean that it's going to affect someone...
Well as a republican/conservative, I'm somewhat disappointed. But it'll be interesting to see how it goes this term. :)