I am wondering if Khorvorod is viable in T3 or not - I don't necessarily want to waste resources on obtaining a sword that isn't viable, but I like that it does normal damage. I am running with a flamberge right now, which I love, but I want something that is a jack-of-all-trades for situations where piercing is resisted.
Troika Line
and pure normal damage makes it a great solo weapon. The first swing's knock back puts essentially anything that uses melee out of range (tho gremlins will kill you). makes a great side arm with a flourish, since the monsters the Khorovod's slow speed makes it bad against, a flourish can dispatch easy
Does a Khorovod work do alright when soloing in T3 Graveyards? I'd like to sheath my DA and run with a Khorovod instead, but I'm worried that it would not hold up against undead.
apollo521: "I am wondering if Khorvorod is viable"
MMO players keep saying this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Remember that Khorovod's greatest strengths are reach and knockback. You can hit skellies at arm's length, and they won't hurt you. And like many swords, the deeper the Tier, the less and less you want to use the second swing, especially since with Khorovod the recovery time with the full combo can be murder (and will be, of you, in a graveyard). The first swing is really damaging enough in many cases.
I've not been to T3, though, only T2, and for solo Khorovod can definitely hold its own in a T2 graveyard. T3 Graveywards I understand have the main differences being (1) Phantoms with real actual Gran Fausts that curse, and (2) special monsters that show up, and I have no direct experience with those; but I figure that Khorovod's increased damage will help make up for things. As a 4* weapon it should shine most in upper T3, rather than the T3 levels that are closest to the Core.
It's fantastic in tier3! And also very fun to use, the most fun in my opinion :D I also sell them and craft them if you are interested Apollo, IGN: Auorora
Do use:
-if you like knocking things away and don't mind going after things you knock away.
-if you like big chunky numbers.
-if you don't want to invest in more expensive alternatives. Comparatively cheap is what I mean.
Do not use:
-if your connection already gives you in-game death-dealing lag. I mean those "but god dammit I put up my shield already but still died /rage" moments.
-if you cannot be bothered to time your clicks/slashes and just want to mash mash mash.
-if you fancy a beautiful but imo worthless charge attack.
I solo with Kamarin all the time now. I really like it's playstyle. I'll definitely upgrade it to Khorvorod when I get the chance. It's not a fast or flashy family of swords, but they'll get the job done if you're steady and careful.
Honestly this game matters on your playing style:
For example: I have a friend who is not the best against jellies, but can own fiends, beasts, and well everything else....so he makes sure his defensive stats are great vs jellies =)
^Random Example
Now if your good with your sword or even have a great uv on it you might as well use it. I was using my winmillon during Firestorm only because the uv was amazing and I was pretty brolic with the sword, but you if someone else had the sword in my party they would just be not as good with it since they are more a custom to slow swords.
My advice:
Certain 4* gear is not bad for Tier 3 it really matters on how well a player you are and how well you can use that weapon or shield.
Hope that helps:
Side-Note: I have a friend who uses his sword which is 4* in T3 all the time, and DOES AMAZING with it....it does have a great UV, but overall at times I get jealous since it makes my divine avenger and graun faust look bad lol.
According to the dictionary some synonyms to viable are: practical, feasible, usable, and adaptable. I think knowing whether the Khorvorod is practical for use in T3, feasible for use in T3, usable in T3, or adaptable to T3 is exactly what I was asking...
Anyhow my plan for the Khorvorod was to use it as a jack of all trades normal damage dealer as I plan to carry some iteration of the flourish line to 5* as my main sword. I have the alchemy path to Valiance now, though, so when I get mats or buy them and level everything up that may be an option as well. I really like the flourish line but piercing is painfully bad against enemies that resist it (just like every other damage type). I really want to go into the antigua line as well, but I would feel wrong buying a higher version in trade as I want to get it from boss kills myself.
Damage-wise, the Khorovod is weaker compared to other swords but tries to make up for it with extra reach and AoE. To match or outperform the damage output of other swords, you need to hit more enemies per swing compared to the alternatives.
Knockback and knockdown are nice, but when you need something dead quick, it's nice to have another sword handy.
apollo521: "According to the dictionary some synonyms to viable are: practical, feasible, usable, and adaptable."
Every 4-5* weapon in the game is practical, feasible, usable, and adaptable for t3.
I've had few/no problems taking a Khorovod all the way to the last terminal. Watching my damage over a few runs, it seems to hit its peak near depth 24, doing 227, 283 damage to most monsters (409 charged) without any wolver gear or damage UVs. The rocks kicked up by the charge help if you're getting mobbed as well. Could definitely suggest using it solo or in a party to keep the critters off of your gunners.