I am a tier 2 swordsman who like to use my flourish (Almost about to upgrade to swift) and Shockburst brandish but my armor really sucks and I need suggestions
I just saw the true power of a Freezing vaporizer in a JK run and now i'm so addicted to it lol. But i still find it easier to use my new thornblade and shockburst brandish. lately i just bought a Wolver(about to be Dusker)coat and i bomb helmet because im sort of hybrid between the sword and bomb. And I really don't know how my current armour will turn out in the long run. I AM I TROUBLE!!!
Ps. I am on a very tight budget and im hoping to earn 25k out of my lockbox. Yep im screwed in terms of money
If you primarily use swords, then you'd probably want to get a Dusker set, first (crafted from Wolver parts) as it gives you sword damage bonuses. Invest in a barb shield from Snarby runs as well and you're looking at a damage base right there for your swords, letting you kill faster. There are other types of armour that provide defences and resistances that you may care about later in the game, but at a basic stage just getting the damage bonuses count for a lot more~