To whom it may concern,
I don't care if they said they're releasing the Guild Hall update next week. For all I know, that could be an empty promise! I need substance, something by which I can know OOO is constantly providing me with the lifeforce that is this game.
I'm at the end of my wits here, OOO. I don't even know what to do if I don't have more recent patch notes. What gives?
In my delirious state of mind at the moment, I decided that making a thread here on the forums was the best I could do. Maybe others' hopes have all been fulfilled with news of the Guild Hall update, but not mine. Maybe they've let up on their constant badgering and pestering, but not me. Maybe if I create this thread, OOO will understand that I am special, that I am entitled to constant updates, and that even when tons of people aren't ready to form an angry mob outside of OOO headquarters, there is someone whose very existence is still dependent on constant updates.
<Crusher Of Dreams>
P.S. If you're not a GM, please don't reply to this thread. I don't need your input, because you're not a GM. Heck, don't even read this if you're not a GM because you are unworthy of my awesomeness.
There hasn't been enough recent rage on the forums to justify a thread like this.