Sorry if this is a already answer question but i'm serious about it.
What so good about bts?Is it about the damage sword bonus(medium)? or just to fit the full snarby set?
And in overall,dss had better piercing and elemental resistant than a bts piercing but why dss so rare?O.O" i rarely see anyone use it though,while bts..haha everyone use it,way too common as da.
So what do you prefer?i'm thinking getting dss first then went to bts because the recipe is hard to get while dss got better resist overall.
Edit: And do you prefer using dss in fsc using blitz,da,ff and ap. Is is a good setup?xD haha not a great gunner though. or should i replace any of them with shivermist?
I assume you're talking about Dragon Scale Shield and not Dread Skelly Shield.
People use Barbarous Thorn Shield due to the Damage Bonus: Sword Medium increase rather that the resistance it has as most enemies' attacks are EXTREMELY easy to dodge. Much like people use Swiftstrike Buckler in Tier 3 due to the Attack Speed Increase: High.
I mean if you're going to use a shield you might as well get a bonus to go with it, right?