What type of gear is recommended?
Heart of Ice

The gear that I use normally:
When I'm with a weaker team where I need to carry:
Snarbolax Cap (freeze UVs)
Snarbolax Coat (freeze UVs) (normally I'd use a mix skolver/snarby set, but with UVs snarby is already max freeze resist)
Dread Skelly Shield
Weapons: BTB, DA, Polaris, Stagger Storm (you can replace DA with blitz needle if you're inclined but with 3 players or less a BTB charge will oneshot a trojan due to sword dmg bonus from snarby set)
Trinkets: 2 vitas
If I'm with a solid team, I play bomber, support:
Mad Bomber Helm (freeze UVs)
Mad Bomber Armor (freeze UVs) or Bombastic Armor (freeze UVs)
Dread Skelly Shield
Weapons: BTB, Polaris, Stagger Storm (ctr UV), Dark Briar Barrage (ctr UV)
Trinkets: 2 vitas
Prospective gunner set (never used it because fiends/wolvers love dodging projectiles):
Perfect Mask of Seerus + Shadowsun slicker (for max ctr and max dmg for gun charges, with proper UVs)
Nameless set (freeze resist + asi) or Shadowsun set (shadow defense + dmg) or mix them with appropriate freeze UVs
--(I prefer using charge attacks to normal shots with most guns (except pulsar and antigua line) and so my UVs are suited accordingly, ctr over asi, so I'd use Shadowsun+seerus).
Dread Skelly Shield
Weapons: BTB, Polaris, Blitz Needle (or Callahan if you're funny), Stagger Storm (unless another player has one, then use argent peacemaker or magma driver).
In general, for the player without mass equipment, piercing weapons are key, and so are Freeze/Shadow/Piercing/Normal defenses, depending on what you get hit by more (Freeze = all, Shadow = fiends/turrets, Piercing = wolvers, Normal = Trojans).
My preference is shadow defense (wolver are easy to dodge most times) with freeze resist.

Treat the boss like Vanaduke and blitz him to an early death. The boss should go quick and easy, but getting there can be tricky... Barbarous Thorn Blade works well, and Snarlobax works well for armour.

Might want a party to run it with you, especially if it's your first time. The boss is actually the easiest part of the mission, (although can be a pain in 1/2 man parties due to the Icy Souls) but the rest of the mission can get out of control. There's a lot of devils and greavers, spikes and spinning ice ball things, and all it takes is to be frozen once aaaaaand BAM!

Weapons (any order you want):
1-Any flourish family weapon (including BTB);
2-Callahan (great at beating up fiends with relative safety compared with blitz);
3- Stagger storm/Voltaic tempest;
4- Blitz needle (you can switch with the Callahan, but lack of mobility can be fatal)
Dread skelly/Snarbolax set (or even Valkyrie set with good freeze resist UVs if the fiends really bug you)
Dread skelly shield (if you are more experienced, Barbarous Thorn Shield is good too. Swiftstrike is too flimsy, but speed helps if you know how to dodge very well.)
Anything that lets you live longer, or if you wish, bomb CTR modules.

You need piercing resistance and piercing weapon, and a non-zero freeze resistance (of course more better, but going with less won't be life crippling).
What I recommend: a pokey sword (BTB or FF), Blitz (for boss), DBB (for beasts), an elemental gun for turrets (e.g. Polaris, Umber Driver, AP), Ironmight Plate Shield, Heater Shield, Skolver set, Bombastic Demo Set, Mercurial Set, ASI trinkets, freeze resistance trinkets.
Do not recommend full Snarby set due to lack of piercing resistance. Mixing Snarby set with other set is perfectly fine. Also don't recommend BTS here because Devilites do quite a bit of damage and you shield would break after one shot.
Freeze is not as much a problem if you know how to evade and your teammates defroze you at appropriate time. Devilites are bigger problems and should be deal with immediately. For this reason, it's better to use a fast pokey sword on them. One Devilite down means one less trouble to worry about later.
P.S. now that Stun has been fixed. Stagger Storm with Voltaic Tempest, or Stagger Storm with Scintillating Sun Shards could work wonder too.

The place is loaded with fiends and beasts, but fiends are dramatically harder than beasts. I have to play well to beat fiends, whereas when I fight beasts I'm often not really paying attention. (Sometimes my eyes aren't even looking at the computer screen.) So I agree with the earlier posters that shadow protection is more valuable than piercing protection.

I usually use:
-Piercing sword
-Magma driver
And, if I've got a weapon slot for it:
-Radiant Sun Shards
I really don't like callahan.
For armor, I just kind of rotate stuff around.. usually I use deadshot with shadow resistant something else though.

Pure Mad Bomber with DBB. I don't solo, I always go in groups, but I do a decent amount of damage. While they're all running around poking one fiend to death, I kill all the wolves. It works well.
Shadow/Pierce and Freeze resistant gear. For weapons you want piercing almost exclusively. Hazes are nice, too.
It consists of beasts and fiends, almost all of which can freeze you. The boss is basically like a trojan w/o a shield that never moves and is backed by a couple of godmode Daddy Wolvers and Icy Souls.