Hello fellow knights of the Cradle. I've come here seeking advice.
I'm trying to decide if I should proceed with crafting a Cold Iron Carver(CIC) with the UV +Damage Bonus vs Undead:MED. Assuming the abilities section (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Abilities) section of the wiki is correct, then combining this UV with the CIC inherent +Damage Bonus vs Undead:High should result in a CIC with an Ultra boost. From what I can see with my current CIC, I know these boosts do combine. I'm just not sure I'm seeing the effects. I am currently using a CIC with a UV +CTR:High that combines with the inherent bonus at level 10 +CTR:MED and gives me an Ultra +CTR boost. I'm just wondering how much of a difference there is in the numbers between +Damage Bonus vs Undead:High & +Damage Bonus vs Undead:Ultra. Is it worth crafting for the boost from High to Ultra? Bad Idea?? Maybe it would be better to craft the Ascended Calibur with this UV instead. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
I think you're better off going ascended and going down the Levi alchemy path. From what I understand the Levi does almost as much damage as the CIV without that bonus dmg to undead. I think with medium undead UV it will probably do more damage than a non-uv CIV to undead