Gentlemen and ladies, I am here today to announce a spectacular achievement. After decades of back-breaking labour by myself and my illustrious comrades at The Fabulous Troupe, we have collected and made available for purchase one-thousand Waste Modules.
I believe a round of thank-you's are in order.
I would like to thank my guildmates; no one could ask for better. Upon learning of my mad quest to collect the world's greatest supply of Waste Modules, they made a vow to see it through to fruition. That fruition is now. We made it, guys.
I would like to thank everyone who sold, traded, or gave us Waste Modules over the years. It is you, knowingly or unknowingly, that made this possible. Some of you, for reasons know only to your ridiculous minds, engaged us in bidding wars over single Modules. Know now that your defeat was not in vain, for it made manifest this greatest of triumphs, in which you too may now share.
I would like to thank Three Rings, for making Waste Modules so patently useless that the only rational response was to collect them obsessively. When I set out on this quest, Waste Modules were used in exactly zero crafting recipes. Unfortunately, Three Rings has since fallen short of its grand vision for a totally useless item; I believe the Waste Module is now used in two recipes, possibly even three. It's tragic to see such a lofty paragon of unuse tarnished, but I am confident it will someday be restored to its former glory.
Now you may ask: where can we possibly go from here? Reaching such heights as this always comes as a blessing and a curse; on the one hand, you've satisfied your aspirations, but on the other hand you must find new purpose to renew your zeal for accomplishment. I assure you all that we plan to go even higher; now that we have one foot in the door, two-thousand, five-thousand, or even ten-thousand Waste Modules no longer seem so out of reach. This experience has opened my eyes; the boundaries of collecting are only twofold: one can only be limited by the number of items the game allows and one's own drive to succeed. I intend to prove that in my case, the latter is far greater than the former.
The thousand Waste Module stack will be on display on the Auction House for two days. If it's purchased, I'll start over with the meagre thirteen remaining Modules in my inventory. Either way, I plan to keep collecting until the game's coding forces me to stop. I know my guildmates will have my back. I hope in some small way we've inspired you to reach your own dreams. Keep trying even when your goals seem impossible. Remember: no effort is ever truly a waste.
Resplendently yours,
Officer, The Fabulous Troupe
Congratulations. <--- Your next quest.