Forums: Wiki Section!

2 replies [Last post]

Okay I know this has been mentioned before, but... we need a Wiki section for these forums. At least, I think it would be a lot more usable and accessible if there were a place on here to talk about Wiki work. Even people who don't do editing could take a glance every once and a while. I know there's "Talk Pages", but honestly, it's way easier on here. You wont accidentally delete someones chat (can't at all), you don't need to be on two totally different platforms, and I'm sure all us Wiki people are on the forums checking things pretty often anyways.

Please correct me if there exists some equally usable communications built in to the Wiki. I've just never heard of it (aside from talk Pages), and I've looked everywhere on the Wiki for something similar.

I mean, there's no harm in it, right? I honestly think it would help if anything.

Shoebox's picture
You could create a page on

You could create a page on the wiki purely for wiki-related chat, in the meantime.
It's not like, if somebody deletes some chat, that you can't just get it back from a previous version of the page anyway.

True, it's just a lot less trouble on here is all.

True, it's just a lot less trouble on here is all.

Is there a page for that already? I thought there was a To Do page or something but I'm not sure if it's up-to-date... If not I'll go create one then.