Why do so many people hate tier 3 and tier 3 LD? What happens if you get hit by pure shadow damage that can inflict fire and you have on armor with no shadow and fire defense?
Damage in tier 3 and tier 3 LD

pure shadow damage that can inflict fire and you have on armor with no shadow and fire defense?
You burn. And die.

Why do you think that people hate Tier 3? Experienced players spend almost all of their PvE time there. And Tier 3 Lockdown must be the most popular part of PvP in this game.
In your hypothetical situation, you get hit by an attack that deals shadow and fire? The two effects are handled separately by your armor; you analyze each one independently. You're wearing no shadow armor? Then you take a bunch of damage from the shadow part of the attack. And are you wearing fire armor or not? (I can't tell what you meant.) If you're wearing a lot of fire armor, then you catch fire for a short amount of time, or maybe no time at all. If you're wearing little or no fire armor, then you catch fire (for longer).
Maybe this is just a troll and I shouldn't feed it.
You don't get killed immediately in T3 PVE by two hits. I don't think anybody hates T3 PVE, there is just a lot of dislike for the imbalance in t3 lockdown.