... Woe is me for not having joined the ranks of you knights sooner for I have missed out on the wonders and horrors of Haven's past affairs. While I would argue about the price of energy now a days and feel foolish about the motives behind the behavior, my concern lies not with human intervention but the encounters of past forgotten monstrosities.
As I was thinking about entering clockworks for the fun of it, the types of monsters I encounter came to mind. Surely most of them are hostile by nature and are therefore cruising for a bruising in my book, but, with me always wanting to contort the nature of my excursions, I left the passive lifeforms healing alive (except for the mew cat, I tend to one-shot it on instinct unfortunately, every single time). The puppy loves, while not particularly passive in my trek, are definitely among my encounters I leave untouched because of their aid. Of the ones not to mess with, however, the Grimalkin seems to be the only one who I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley; I know well enough to run.
Once upon a time I read up on the different slime monsters and came upon one called a Sloom of the Lichen series monsters. While not particularly deadly from what I read, it answered the question about defense against sleep status applications. From my understanding, they no longer exist in the game. It was then when I thought that a combination of sleep and poison (or any other non-jarring status effect) could do an unwitting knight in: That idea also sounded like a good time.
While I recalled the description of the Vitasuit Plus, I caught the mention of a Tortodrone. Assuming that this was a sort of tortoise, I understood the suit was not reliable for defense. But upon reading about the drone, I found myself intrigued with the fact that it was passive by choice. So instead of asking "Where have all the flowers gone?" understanding that the Tortodrone crushed them, I'd ask of the drone instead.
Earlier today I also came upon the mention of a Gold Trojan. In his own sense, he's as dangerous as the Grimalkin but no longer apart of clockworks. Of those monsters (and possibly more) that I missed, does anyone know what became of them and why?
Holy wall of text!