Finally got back into the loop of my art.
So then, I decided some time ago I wanted to work on making some commissions for SK, though could not decide on the style of how I was going to do it. Eventually, I decided upon one.
Going to start off simple and cheap, since my art doesn't take too long to make. These will be transparent pictures featuring one knight or groups of knights, in a certain action/idle/whatever pose. Thus for such, I will charge for now 500 CE per knight. Thus, if you have one knight in the picture, then it will be at that price, though if you have three, then it will rise to 1500CE.
Once details are laid out, I request for half of the payment upfront, then the later half when I am done, helps seal the deal a bit better, and gives me more incentives to work towards getting the picture done.
Here I will list Examples below for previously done pieces/finished pieces as of late.
- Reqy
- Ailment
- Taconation
If interested, please let me know on here, and then we can arrange to meet in-game for more commission details.
[Edit: Price increased due to how long these are taking, and for me to get any sort of profit from this, I thus have to increase the price a bit.]
Here I will keep track of all those who will have a commission being done for them.
-Angerday (guild request)
-Remingtonsteely (possibly next)
To be done at some point in time:
-Personal one (will put up on examples when it is done)