Well it seems like guild halls are comin tomorrow. Hehehehehehe.
Go scream what this means to you! :D
Well it seems like guild halls are comin tomorrow. Hehehehehehe.
Go scream what this means to you! :D
I am fulfilled.
My life is now complete.
Mission accomplished.
^True story.
(Ok, now I'm just being a [bucket].)
Keep wishing , and your dreams may come true
Yeah Psycho, what Trabias said; keep wishing to be a [bucket] and your dreams may come true.
Shouldn't be hard for you.
Apply cold water to area of burn.
Edit: You know I'm just kidding, right?
Cautious enthusiasm. Maybe a reason to play the game more regularly again.
Also, a bit ominous for what will happen to Haven.
GUILDHALLS TOMMOROW but OCH accesible for all F2P players (not only those who were dragged and stuck with steam) is nowhere to be found even if its simple to implement (as we have seen on asian servers) but yet OOO still claims 'they are working on it' and 'not sure if its even possible'
@Asukalan --- I think Three Rings will make it workable the day you post something positive <69
GUILDHALLS TOMMOROW but STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA still starving with no money (none of which have steam) Food is no-where to be found even if its simple to implement (as we have seen in the USSR) but yet governments still claim 'they are working on it' and 'not sure if its even possible'
Why did the Asukulan cross the road?
He always says doody stuff.
So...Tomorrow as in tomorrow? or Tomorrow Valve Time? A Genie's gotta know.
Tomorrow as in it-doesnt-matter-because-people-will-cry-anyway.
Did you happen to meet a GM called Atalanta..?
Because...*cough cough*
Eurydice said a week ago that GHs were coming in a week. OOO updates on Wednesdays. So I was thinking...
I'm honestly hoping they wait a week longer and just finish fixing stun as the "patch" to-morrow. I mean, I want the GH update and all, but it would be worth watching people squirm. It always is.
this seems to be very exciting day for most of us this fine night/day lol
Oh my, Psycho, you are now a bucket.
I apologize to the GM who had to censor that, but nice taste in your censorship.
Yeah, I guess the GMs notices I was a little pail today.
You didn't hear this from me but the core releases tomorrow.
*disappears into the shadows*
Well, time to log on while I still can to say goodbye to my friends and the guild, since the game will get even more laggy after the patch.
I'm not sure how Guild Hall Updates, which are on a different server than Haven, PvP, and the Clockworks, will affect your gameplay except when you're inside the Guild Hall itself.
That, and that's a terribly pessimistic outlook on things.
General server load, perhaps. In other words, it's possible that so many people are going to log on just to see the Guild Hall Update that overall performance will decrease.
Who knows, though. For all we know the next patch just includes a few bug fixes.
Well sure, but the implication was that the game as a whole would become more laggy, not temporarily due to server load. At least, that's how I read his comment.
I mean...it's not like events in the past haven't triggered short-term surges of playerbase...like this past Halloween event.
Haha..so other GMs - not only Atalanta is telling around about the GH update...
I thought you happened to meet Atalanta because I met him/her in FSC Depth 24 when a statue stuck in a wheel pin, and he/she told me that they are planning to update the GH this Wednesday...I mean TODAY
Well, it's something that's been requested for the longest time and we're finally getting it.
We're excited.
They're excited.
We get to see the work Three Rings put into expanding the guild halls.
Three Rings get to see our reaction and feedback regarding their work.
It's something to look forward to, for everyone.
I can not wait to see people rage about prices and how Three Rings is evil <69
Aye, I'm just waitin' for it now. Empty GH, as it is now. Option to unlock basic, small room with nothing in it? 5m cr. Option to unlock Snipe Garden? 15m cr.
Budget items for small guilds?
Cup of tea, 99cr.
where is it still wait: off to get xxl nachos
patch notes 11/14/2012
-made jellies a slightly different shade of purple
/e loves purple <3 <3 <3
cronus knows what im talking about :>
Does that mean they're closer to the GM color? If so, what implications could this hold regarding jellies' relationship with the Spiral Order? If not, can we expect a more expansive patch in the future detailing the environmental/social circumstances that brought about this change? Do tell, do tell!
Seeing as there is a reboot coming in 90 minutes, obviously nothing is coming today, obviously.
Someone said Purple?
Not even M. Bison could show how happy I am for finally being near this update.
It's getting released within 30 minutes. They've sent out mail to everyone in-game explaining that.
It's getting released within 30 minutes. They've sent out mail to everyone in-game explaining that.
It's getting released within 30 minutes. They've sent out mail to everyone in-game explaining that.
But seerusly, tomorrow?