One final Calibur for 1k for a newbie.
One Last Calibur for 1k.
Sure thing. I'm usually on a lot. If you want, I could bring you along a T2 run and you'd get lots of crowns from that. Just send me a /tell in game.

I'm all for helping new players, especially if the item is made at cost (400 crowns and 50 energy). But if you're going to profit on this transaction (by charging 1k), might I suggest moving this thread to the bazaar?
It isn't really profiting, and I'm not trying to gouge them for their money. 1k is well under the price, and this is directed at new players who need a nice 2 star weapon. I am trying to recover *some* lost profit, but I'm keeping it dirt cheap, and 1k is easily gotten in a few depths of tier 1.
The 50 energy alone is roughly 2k. The fact that's he's willing to sell them for 1k is a blessing. If you factor in mats too, you're looking at a little over 3k for making a Calibur. So he is, in fact, losing 2k for every Calibur he sells.
Salenzar: You've got the last one, but you didn't respond to me ingame.
Got a few more for you guys.
My in-game name is Sarend i would apreciate it XD
I would like a Cutter if you please. My IGN is Madogu, Same as my forum name.
Neither of you were online when I checked. I had to go offline for a while to mess with Ubuntu.
I sent you a message about getting together and about how I have no idea as of yet how the in game trading works. I may have typ'od your name or something. But if you still have it I am still wanting it and have the funds as of now. Actually won't mind two of them if you had them, but if you have only the one that is fine as well. Again let me know what to do and poss what I might have done wrong about sending you the message. Thanks in advance....Salenzar
Can I please purchase a Calibur?
IGN : Slap
Thank you!

I would like to buy a cutter for 1k, from you. I wanna see if that sword is my type.
My IGN is: Jalok
Thanks again Des, That Cutter is pretty sweet!
*SWISH* (swish) *SWISH* (swish) *SWISH* (swish) *SWISH* (swish) *SWISH* (swish)
May I please buy a calibur? My IGN is Therring. Thank you in advance for helping out the newbies!
I could really use one if you still have one. Been playing for a few days and Have not found a single swordstone try and build it myself.
IGN Dwen
Yes I would very much like one, however it will take me a bit to get the 1000, like a day or so as to the fact that I just updated my armor and now low on funds. If you could hold on for me for just a bit would be great. Thanks in advance My in game name is the same, its Salenzar