I think the Honor stuff is appropriate Cobalt-on-a-stick and the Stand is a set of armour. But I'm only getting Mighty. Why not, say, put all of the versions on Featured? For example, I think Levi's coolest... but Calibur's the second coolest. I can buy both and drain crowns from the market. It works-let us have ALL the items, and make a crownsink!
Can we ALL have Battle Stands, etc?

You know, you have to reward long time supporters with something unique once in a while. Keeps them busy and happy.

I've been here since Steam, but been too busy helping newbs to reach Rank 10. Should I get punished for that? I like the rank exclusivity thing, but I want a levi in my room, as do many other people. Selfish, I know. (If you want me to rant about elitist 5*s, I will!)

Can I have a Battletoad instead of a Battlestand?

You're just getting a different reward than some other people based on your rank.
Is it Three Rings falt that you're not where you want to be in ranks?
I think it's great that players are being rewarded for the time/effort they've put into the game.
Sure maybe the reward isn't what you want and maybe some Vanguards will want a different reward too.
But the fact is Three Rings is giving us free stuff xD Just be happy with whatever you get.

They could always add upgrade recipes to Sullivan's alchemy machine so newer players could have a chance at the Lionheart without cluttering things.

Why not have UPGRADABLE Honor equipment? Same recipes as the Calibur/Defender line, done at the Honor Alchemy Machine in Guild Halls...

I think it would be better if we could upgrade our honor gear as we rank up. That way no one is upset with the honor gear they have :/ I currently have the 4* honor gear but I would really like to upgrade it to the 5* when I reach vanguard. I really like the look of the gear and appreciate the update. It is a great update I just ask that we be able to upgrade our honor gear in some way when we rank up

Please keep feedback about the update in the existing discussion thread - thanks!
The purpose of pulling crowns from the market is to allow newer players access to cheaper CE. If the battle stands are trad-able, then newer players (with better battle stands) will inevitably be profiting in the same way, should they choose to sell.
Selling them on the featured auctions would benefit a different number of knights but would also devalue the higher stands, as they would be just as easily bought.