I tried to enter the designer mode in our guild hall. It spat me out to the Garrison and said that the max number of designers had been met. I walked across the garrison and back into the Guild Hall and crashed to desktop. Ended the Java processes and tried to relaunch three different times. Every time I did, it tried to put me back in the doorway to the guildhall and was an instant CTD.
Possible repro steps:
-try to join a full design instance
-try to re-enter the guildhall
It seems to happen specifically when I try to enter the guild hall from the garrison as the guild hall selection window appears.
also forgot to give some sys info. Bug first encountered on 64bit Win7 with 32bit Java. I updated to 64bit java and was met with the same results.
This is not exacly the same problem, but I think it may be related.
I'm not guilded, but I wanted to have a look at guild hall. Walked to Garrison and to Guild Hall door. If the guild selection list was empty (There are no open(?) guilds), the game instantly crashes to desktop, but the process remains running. If the selection list has even a one guild, I can access the Guild Hall normally. Unfortunately if the game crashes and I end the process and relaunch the game, the game instantly after logging logs on the character standing near Guild Hall door and if the selection list is empty again I crass again. (I know this is good feature when you crash middle of Vana, but could the game bumb my character away from Guild Hall door? I can't stand this CTD chain)
I'm using 64bit Win7 too, but using 32bit Java with Steam.