I'm going to post the screenshot: http://i1161.photobucket.com/albums/q506/myqpalzm147/gmcoriolis.png
GM Coriolis Visited Tier Zero's Guildhall
Wed, 11/14/2012 - 20:23

Wed, 11/14/2012 - 21:53

Cool beans
We had Nick stop by in Knights of Equestria.
Wed, 11/14/2012 - 22:01

how about them ummm
oh boy we had two dev's plus one mewkat
You have us beat man phew ; o
Wed, 11/14/2012 - 22:02

We had more than three...or
We had more than three...or was it a mix of devs/Gms? There were like half a dozen at one point..
Wed, 11/14/2012 - 22:06

EoS had Curio, Geordie,
EoS had Curio, Geordie, Gyre-Of-Guile, and Cherub. Myaah.
By the by, who was the mewkat?
Thu, 11/15/2012 - 06:55

since no one mentioned this,
since no one mentioned this, might as well post this pic
Edit: this screenshot was taken in EOS's guild hall
Thu, 11/15/2012 - 12:59

Hey, I'm in that picture! Could this be grounds for a frivolous lawsuit?
Thu, 11/15/2012 - 16:36

Skybreakers' Auction room was broken, so Cronus came to our hall.
As I know, Coriolis is checking on the new guildhall update, to see if there are some error or glitches in the update. If there are, Coriolis will fix it. Well, yeah, Coriolis fixed it (I thing) by shuting down the servers, maybe it's a maintenance, that's when I got logged out.