Hi all I started playing this game with my gf recently as she has wanted to get into something but I didn't want a game that was overly mechanically challenging. She is really enjoying it and we have sunk a few hours in so far. We are doing the ranked missions at the moment but I have a question about the following.
When we get stuck for XP on a level or we are missing the required item for a crafting quest is it best to just grind arcade missions? Or does XP for levelling only come from the actual ranked missions? (As a result if we get stuck on a crafting mission for example we just have to deal with it until we get the drops).
Also could someone explain to me why I would bother with doing dailies for prestige it doesn't actually seem to serve a purpose? Atleast not at level 3 anyway!
Lastly is this game finish able with two people in a group (down to the last tier) or do you really need a full group to make this happen? Thanks!
Thanks :D
Well first of all, there is no such thing as XP in spiral knights. It is all about gear and skill.... Your geat gets better though as it "heats up". The rank up goes with your missions, each mission moving it fixed amount. Do all missions you can (those "level" ones) and you move forward. And prestige just gives you kewl symbol next to your name. And this game has no actual end as clockworks always change. But the mightiest challenges can be done alone if you are godly player, but in group it is easier. Me and my friend did them together, all the way to top. Just play, craft better items, and go to the clockworks knight!