My guild (Brothers of Eternity) is currently inactive. I really want to revive it, and I need to recruit people to do that. Aside from making a forum thread and such, are there any other things I should be doing? Thanks.
Any tips on reviving a dead guild?
I completely agree. Especially the last paragraph. It would help reduce the numbers somewhat. The thing is, I want to be in charge so that I can have a guild to represent CradleBound. I also like the Aura system that we have and getting another guild to do that would be, umm, a challenge to say the least.
Forgot to link to the wiki page. The issue here is also I want to be able to easily describe the guild without having to type it every time, and I can't just link players to a wiki page. I was going to put up a sign or an NPC in the guild hall to help describe it, but neither are in the game. :(
(Unless you count those small room names. Those don't count though.)
Maybe I could just take from the page, construct a mail message, and send that to anyone interested in joining?
You need defibrillator. At least that's what we do in L4D2...
Great. If decently many people are interested in CradleBound, and willing to choose their guild based on it, then you have your niche.
About describing your guild to potential recruits: I've seen recruiters say things like, "To learn about our guild, search the wiki for "GUILD NAME HERE"." But I've also seen potential recruits say things like, "I'm not opening a web browser." So maybe write some *concise* text describing your guild, keep it in a text file on your computer, and paste it into an in-game mail whenever you want to reach a potential recruit.
Well, if you're looking to bring back the more eminent players that were once in your guild, then that's bordering on impossible, especially if they left due to more... idealistic reasons.
I'm working on that stuff now. Thanks for all the tips, guys. ^.^
To make a guild active you have to have a base of players you're going for. Jempire takes anybody, literally, it's why they're over 300 strong. Spread across 4 guilds to the best of my knowledge. You have various LD guilds who focus almost solely on LD at various tiers, PvE only guilds who don't care about LD at all. Then you have fringe ones that normally die quickly, such as the No-Knockback guild, due to everybody looking at them and going "huh?".
You have to have something that you focus on and know who you're competing against to get members. Everybody competes against Jempire, it is a given due to their size. They're the Walmart of guilds on SK pretty much. They're big enough they can focus on all areas, more power to them I say. EoS, my guild, is selective. If you don't fit the feel of the guild you don't get in, and if you can't handle trolling that's all in good fun you won't last long in it, hehe.
When advertising make sure you state what the focus of the guild is, and the kind of players you're looking for. Some players have been burned by the big name guilds in the area they fit in and you might get them. It's not common, but is possible.
Also state that it is a growing guild, so people don't enter, see 5 people on the roster and go "WTF?"
Thanks ye, and may EoS live long and prosper! (I was with them at one period. I didn't fit, but they're nice people.)
As far as I can tell, this is the same problem people face when starting a guild from scratch. I recommend that you find a niche, that makes your guild different from others. And play Lockdown, and recruit actively in Haven. But in the end there are simply too many guilds in this game, because everyone wants his own guild, because everyone wants to be in charge.
To me, that's really the meaning of this big guild hall update --- to dis-incentivize the creation of guilds, by making the running of a "decent" guild expensive.